When you test drive your dream car
jmel: Those of you who have lost a parent: please tell me when does it stop feeling as if your heart has been ripped out and you finally stop crying every single day?
Lost Again
Ruin. Failure. Loss. Defeat.
I wish that I was dead.
Or, never had been born at all.
Or was, at least, asleep in bed.
Aviator, thanks for the photographer's statement!
The complaint presumes that the photo was staged, and by implication questions the sincerity of the grief of the widow, even comparing her to those who blew a trumpet when they put a penny i
DangerGirl - My dear old dog was nuzzling me just as I read about yours. We're watching a dear old cat fade; surprised he made it through the night.
via Drudge, Man Throws Away 7,500 Bitcoins, Now Worth $7.5 Million - threw out hard drive last summer, just remembered what was on it.
Torn-off plastic corner / clinging dust / striped pulsating seed