Tom Coburn
Did I not say Cruz would take Oklahoma?
And, proud to say, our family did our part to make it happen! As did our auto mechanic.
Subjects: Election 2016, James Lankford, Jim Inhofe, Oklahoma, Ted Cruz, Texas, Tom Coburn
That the old machine backed Lankford and voters feel for it is a rebuke to the conservative Constitutional movement...?
Subjects: James Lankford, Oklahoma, Tom Coburn, TW Shannon, US Senate
Examining the art of selling a candidate. Comparing fliers from the two leading Republican candidates for Tom Coburn's U.S. Senate seat.
Subjects: Oklahoma, US Senate, Tom Coburn, TW Shannon, James Lankford
"Every candidate who flashes grandiose mailers on the most expensive parchments and perpetually inundating big glossy fliers MUST BE scrutinized." -Panz
Subjects: online communication, politics, Tom Coburn, TW Shannon
Three Republicans tout their own Obamacide. Two RINOs and the third is retiring. Lets retire all three. -Vic
My sarcastic comment above on the on the Coburn retirement was for Bitch McConnell, not Coburn. He wasn't bad. Posted by: Vic
Tom Coburn is retiring.
In case any of alla y'all missed my midnight announcement...
I have no public service experience. I am a repeatedly-proven failure in the private sector as well. I have no college degree or any particular significant skills.
Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at January 16, 2014 11:40 PM (DmNpO)
Senator Inhofe voted against the budget bill, but Coburn cast no vote. Wondering about that.
My commitment to the people of Oklahoma has always been that I would serve no more than two terms. Our founders saw public service and politics as a calling rather than a career.
Coburn is not exactly Tea Party, but he's a cut above RINO. Being old school gentleman may be his blind spot, a la Romney.
McCain -- I'm glad I live where the RINO-iest problem is Tom Coburn.
I'm full. *BRRRP* (excuse me) Can't eat another byte.
Byte. Heh. I crack myself up. Somebody has to.
Subjects: Benghazi, Homeland Security, Oklahoma, Tom Coburn, webworker
"Simply put: we cannot defund or replace Obamacare completely until we have a Republican supermajority in the House and Senate that can override a Presidential veto. Even then, Dr.
She said, I called our Senator's office today. His Washington office phone machine was full, so she called his number in Tulsa. Got a human. She left a message, I would like Dr.
"Tom Coburn has now jumped on the train to condemn the effort to defund Obamacare."
Coburn? Trying to play nice in DC, I suspect. I don't think he's inimical by intention as much as befoggedness. Still rather have him than, oh, say, McCain.
Coburn voted yea on net tax. Totally immersed in the kool-ade, ol' Tom. D@mm!t.
" Coburn overall has been one of the most conservative Senators in the Senate."
" I'm surprised Coburn is a gun grabber, though. What part of the Bill of Rights does he not understand?"
Coburn has done fully immersed in the kool-ade. Time for the old codger to head off to the RINO boneyard. Inhofe, too.