GOP Lawmakers Turning on Donald Trump…
Silly answer: Uh-oh! Looks like an early night for a Clinton win. Trump has no path to winning the Presidency.
Hat: ...They are locked in on a first vote, but nothing beyond that....
"It's who counts the votes!" -Uncle Joe and the RINOs
the guy that moves pianos for a living: Heh, if you want a constitutional restoration then Trump is your man.
Me: The leading Republican candidate does not attend the leading allegedly-conservative conclave, where he would likely have had a hostile reception anyway.
votermom: Willpower = willowed, sorry
Thought so, but I kinda liked "willpower post".
Alas, I also expect our two "Republican" Senators, the old venerable Inhofe and the new RINOish Lankford, to be voting Yay [sic] on the bill, as well.
It should have read:
What does Congress do?
From Vic's link at #525
Indications that things are going right for a change: Who's objecting?
Subjects: Election 2014, Election 2016, Jon Huntsman, RINOs
Laurie David's Cervix >> Beware of Arizona "solid conservatives".
You have nothing to fear from Arizona's solid conservatives like us!
I can smell fresh bread baking from here. mmmm
[singing drunkenly together like the apostles in Jesus Christ Superstar]
farts in the wind...
all we are is farts in the wind...
"I never quite got the name 'RINO'. It implies 'Republican' stands for something noble."
-HoboJerk, Re-branded
Moderate Republican - humorous oxymoron designating an agnostic regarding republican principles. Often symbolized by a RINO.
If you haven’t seen it yet, YouTube: Stunned cable news anchors react to Eric Cantor primary defeat.
Subjects: RINOs, LaughingStock Media, Progressives Playbook
This explains so much! What the unwitting Republican discovered was going on behind closed doors.
I kept trying to say I approve of Rove's new hobby, Hillary-taunting, and that I hope he is fully occupied with it through 2017, but Pixy won't let me say it.
Ezra's Equal: Saw wall of text. Almost skipped. Read the whole thing, and glad I did.
"...droopy dog McConnell..." heh.
Actually read the McConnell disinformation article. Hooray for the ministry of truthiness!
Amelia island gathering... is it wrong to hope for that sneaky Legionaire's Disease to show up? Yes, but...
Did he corroborate the Red State article or did he just talk about it? —Vic
What I heard, only talked about it.
"I'm listening to Levin from last night and I expect him to address this..." —Capt Hate
Levin did.
Disgusting RINOs.
Drudge headline (yes, I'm that Vic-withdrawing)
Huckabee Warns of God's fiery judgment...
(Did not click.)
Oh, fun. Let's elect that man President.
No! It's in. — J.J. Sefton
Really? Oboy, my claim to fame is now immortal.
@Sefton — Did we already discuss "Mugwumps"?
"Here are the RINOs who voted to spend your money with no strings attached...."
Those DARN Republicans! That DARN GOP!
"...Cruz dined with McCain at the posh Capital Grille steakhouse. He cracked jokes with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) at last week's State of the Union.
The GOP is not committing suicide - they're murdering our country.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at January 30, 2014 08:09 AM (chqG9)
Those 2 are not mutually exclusive
Three Republicans tout their own Obamacide. Two RINOs and the third is retiring. Lets retire all three.
http://tinyurl.com/p9y37zd -Vic
"Huckabee says we shouldn't use the term RINO any more."
When he removes that horn from his own face...