Mindful on the 25th Anniversary
Troubles in Old Age
Deplatforming Alert: GoDaddy Investigating Sites It Hosts or Registers for Connection to Capitol Hill Riot
Some of the Horde were wondering how to go about setting up blogs and sites and such that are independent of cancel-culture-friendly hosting companies....
Sabrina Chase
Mindful Webworks -- 25 years online as of the 17th of this month. I really had hoped to have some significant upgrades before then, on the look and interaction on the site.
"Please don't take it personally, but your site kinda sucks." -logprof, October 17, 2012 - my best review.
Alas, my domain names and site are hosted by a company that has begun doing the social injustice league stuff. It'll be a while before they get to me (website ranking: too low to matter), but if they find that one video I did about Hillary....
Unfortunately, I'm too old and busy and dumbed down to do what it takes to move the content managing system and all the content to new and trustworthy hosts. Color me concerned.
Hope Nobody Expected Anything Special — It's only the 19th Anniversary - just wait'll next year!
Eighteen Years of Mindful Webworks — Happy Copyright Free Birthday Song Goes Here
Mind Fuel — The series that didn't quite make it.
Creativity and the Web — Pondering art in the digital age
Mindful Webworkshop #9 — Lost love, hard times, faith, insecurity, and spiritual regeneration
Invulnerable — Out of nowhere came a man with a miraculous message
Turning Circuits — From pure potentiality to self-realization
Time Traveler's Conundrum — We had the best of intentions
The Beast with Four Heads — A shaggy Gothic horror story
Head Shopping — The Head Shop Comix series starts here
Daily Doodles — look for the Gallery link in the sidebar
Updated Tao — Digital existentialism
ContagionQuest — In a time of Deep Concern, a hero arrives as plucky comic relief
2013 Oct 13 Washington DC — The march of Truth cannot be halted