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Displaying 421 - 450 of 780 • Sun 2011 Jun 5, 3:00pm

ObamaWhen his wife unveiled the USDA's new nutritional plate yesterday, there definitely wasn't a space for chili dogs. But that didn't stop Barack Obama wolfing down two in Toledo today - with fries and an extra bowl of chili on the side. • Sun 2011 Jun 5, 12:22pm

ObamaAFL-CIO President Richard Trumka... said he'd like to see the U.S. become more like a European nation that provides pensions and health care for all its citizens. He said he is accustomed to criticism and doesn't mind if conservatives call that socialism. "Being called a socialist is a step up for me...." • Sun 2011 Jun 5, 11:52am

ObamaObama even reversed an earlier decision to open access to coastal waters for exploration, placing a seven-year ban on drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts and in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Oil production in the Gulf is expected to drop by 220 thousand barrels per day in 2011, which is going to cost the U.S. some $1.35 billion in revenues in 2011. Not only are we losing oil production and revenues, the administration's actions are destroying jobs in the oil industry and elsewhere. Many companies are going out of business. • Sun 2011 Jun 5, 11:52am

ObamaObama even reversed an earlier decision to open access to coastal waters for exploration, placing a seven-year ban on drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts and in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Oil production in the Gulf is expected to drop by 220 thousand barrels per day in 2011, which is going to cost the U.S. some $1.35 billion in revenues in 2011. Not only are we losing oil production and revenues, the administration's actions are destroying jobs in the oil industry and elsewhere. Many companies are going out of business. • Sun 2011 Jun 5, 11:49am

ObamaPresident Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will finally hit the links for a round of golf — and al fresco negotiation.... Obama prefers to hit public courses with a handful of friends and White House staffers while Boehner favors private courses, golf fundraisers and schmoozing sessions with other pols.... • Sat 2011 Jun 4, 4:01pm

ObamaThe thing is, I cannot find Barack Obama's great piece of work, the scholarship one would presume he researched, drafted, crafted, and honed, that earned him the presidency of the Harvard Law Review. The name "Obama" is the kind of search term that should do the job. But I cannot find any scholarship published by him that reveals the exceptional brilliance that paved the way to his achievement. • Sat 2011 Jun 4, 2:06pm

ObamaThe president has been unable to curb the nation's nine percent unemployment rate, so he will be forced to put the best possible face on a sputtering recovery. Democratic strategists say that means adopting an ungainly three-pronged political approach: Talking up economic gains since the darkest days of 2008 and 2009, highlighting a modest job-creation agenda blocked by Republicans and making the case that things would be far worse if the GOP were in charge. Above all, he must avoid even the slightest hint of triumphalism on the economy — no missions have been accomplished — to avoid angering Americans still struggling to find jobs. [Obama looks at gardening gloves] • Sat 2011 Jun 4, 12:35pm

Crossing party lines to deliver a stunning rebuke to the commander in chief, the vast majority of the House voted Friday for resolutions telling President Obama he has broken the constitutional chain of authority by committing U.S. troops to the international military mission in Libya. • Sat 2011 Jun 4, 12:34pm

According to the unemployment data released this morning, the economy added only 54,000 jobs, pushing the unemployment rate up to 9.1 percent.... If Morgan Stanley is correct, about half of last month's job growth came from the venerable fast-food chain. That is hardly the sign of a healthy economy.... • Tue 2011 May 31, 10:18am

ObamaDoes it matter if the president chooses to play golf on Memorial Day, and for the second time in his presidency (he did so as well in 2009)? I think it does, and it displays extraordinarily bad judgment, not only by Obama himself but also by his advisers. His chief of staff for example should have firmly cautioned against it. President Obama is not just any American but Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces. The United States is currently engaged in a major war in Afghanistan with over 100,000 troops on the ground, and more than 1,500 have already laid down their lives for their country. The least the president can do on Memorial Day is spend the whole day with veterans and servicemen's families while acknowledging their sacrifice. As Koffler points out above, President George W. Bush stopped playing golf out of respect for the families of Iraq War dead. This demonstrated not only good judgment but humility and respect for the men and women who keep America safe. • Mon 2011 May 30, 6:36am

[Associated Press:] acting as healer-in-chief to a devastated community... [ABC News:] the nation's pastor [UUURRRKKKKKK!] • Sun 2011 May 29, 1:54pm

Today Canada demonstrated leadership at the G8 and clobbered Barack Obama and his Israel hating buddies: "Canadian delegation blocks mention of 1967 lines in Group of Eight leaders' joint statement calling Israel, Palestinians to return to peace talks. • Sun 2011 May 29, 1:49pm

Both strategically and ideologically, Netanyahu's speech constituted a massive concession to Obama. The premier had good reason to believe that his speech would preempt any US demand for further Israeli concessions during his visit to Washington. Alas, it was not to be. Instead of welcoming Netanyahu's unprecedented concessions, Obama dismissed them as insufficient as he blindsided Netanyahu last Thursday with his speech at the State Department. There, just hours before Netanyahu was scheduled to fly off to meet him in the Oval Office, Obama adopted the Palestinian negotiating position by calling for Israel to accept that future negotiations will be based on the indefensible — indeed suicidal — 1949 armistice lines. So, just as he was about to board his plane, Netanyahu realized that his mission in the US capital had changed. His job wasn't to go along to get along. His job was to stop Obama from driving Israel's relations with the US off a cliff. • Sun 2011 May 29, 1:46pm

The bullet which killed Yonatan Netanyahu was most likely provided to his killer through the largesse of Andrei Gromyko. The same man to whom Zakaria now compares Yonatan's younger brother, Binyamin. Perhaps Zakaria just hadn't thought of calling Binyamin Netanyahu, the elected leader of a sovereign nation and a stalwart US ally, a talk show slut. With Zakaria's column, it becomes clear that Barack Obama's mainstream media will stoop to any low, no matter how vile or disgraceful or personal, to protect their guy. • Sat 2011 May 28, 9:26am

Greenfield introduces the notion that there are plenty of jobs, but not enough workers with sufficient skills. It seems, according to the article, that there has been a "talent mis-match" forming since the 1970's that is only now coming to a head -- just in time for Obama to skate by on his woeful performance on the economy. You see, it's not his fault! • Fri 2011 May 27, 4:54pm

The First Lady is not content with corrupting American children at the White House. In a Q&A with British high school girls at Oxford University Michelle continued to promote the rapper Common. Bizarre. • Fri 2011 May 27, 10:27am

Obamathe last few weeks have cast him as the least competent manager of America's Middle East diplomatic portfolio in a very long time. He has infuriated and frustrated long term friends, but made no headway in reconciling enemies. He has strained our ties with the established regimes without winning new friends on the Arab Street. He has committed our forces in the strategically irrelevant backwater of Libya not, as he originally told us, for "days, not weeks" but for months not days. Where he has failed so dramatically is in the arena he himself has so frequently identified as vital: the search for peace between Palestinians and Israelis. His record of grotesque, humiliating and total diplomatic failure in his dealings with Prime Minister Netanyahu has few parallels in American history. • Fri 2011 May 27, 10:17am

"He has never been rejected in his life, and I think there's something -- I'm not qualified to diagnose him -- but there's something wrong with a guy that is s going to go out of his way to do all these things... he is incredibly arrogant and he really believes that he can talk anybody out of anything." -Okla US Sen. Jim Inhoff, in an excellent mood. • Fri 2011 May 27, 10:07am

House Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn, the highest-ranking African-American in Congress, on Wednesday blamed most of President Barack Obama's political problems on racism. [They're getting lamer and lamer, these race-baiting Democrazies. It's raaaacism — sorry… not!] • Thu 2011 May 26, 6:41am

Middle East envoy Tony Blair says Barack Obama launched his peace initiative because he's concerned about what might happen to Israel if Palestinians unilaterally declare statehood. [White is green, up is sideways, East is North, and Obama is concerned about Isreal.] • Wed 2011 May 25, 7:43pm

SnakeWhat do psychopaths want? What are their motivations? Hare: They want many of the same basic things that the rest of us want, but, in addition, have an inordinate need for power, prestige, wealth, and so forth. They differ from most of us in terms of how much they "need," their sense of entitlement to whatever they want, and the means with which they are willing to achieve their ends. They also differ dramatically from others in the communal nature of their needs and goals. That is, the sense of altruism, concern for the welfare of family, friends, and society, and the social rules, expectations, and reciprocity that guide most people are irrelevant to psychopaths. They operate according to their own self-serving principle: look out for number 1, no matter what the cost to others, and without guilt or remorse. • Wed 2011 May 25, 7:41pm

ObamaDr. Vaknin States "I must confess I was impressed by Sen.Barack Obama from the first time I saw him. At first I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident - a wholesome presidential package. I was put off soon, not just because of his shallowness but also because there was an air of haughtiness in his demeanor that was unsettling. His posture and his body language were louder than his empty words. Obama's speeches are unlike any political speech we have heard in American history. Never a politician in this land had such quasi "religious" impact on so many people. The fact that Obama is a total incognito with zero accomplishment, makes this inexplicable infatuation alarming. Obama is not an ordinary man. He is not a genius. In fact he is quite ignorant on most important subjects." ... Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of Malignant Self Love believes "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist". Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism. He understands narcissism and describes the inner mind of a narcissist like no other person. When he talks about narcissism everyone listens. Vaknin says that Obama's language, posture and demeanor, and the testimonies of his closest, dearest, and nearest suggest that the Senator is either a narcissist or he may have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). Narcissists project a grandiose but false image of themselves. Jim Jones, the charismatic leader of People's Temple, the man who led over 900 of his followers to cheerfully commit mass suicide and even murder their own children was also a narcissist. David Koresh, Charles Manson, Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Kim Jong Ill, and Adolph Hitler are a few examples of narcissists of our time. All these men had a tremendous influence over their fanciers. They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers, filled their hearts with enthusiasm, and instilled in their minds a new zest for life. They gave them hope! They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their doom. When you are a victim of a cult of personality, you don't know it until it is too late. One determining factor in the development of NPD is childhood abuse.... • Wed 2011 May 25, 7:32pm

ObamaHad captioned a photo of the back of the document where the seal was admittedly applied, many of us may have long ago noticed that the seal's image and text were lowered, not raised, from the surface of the paper. The seal photographed appears on the back of the document as a "lowered" image of a 'Hawaii Department of Health' seal. It is not a 'raised' seal…and that means the document photographed by is not legally certified according to Hawaii's regulations. This attempt to deceive the public is diabolically tricky, slippery and yet…so simple to prove: We have high resolution photographs of the front and back of the seal in various light and at various angles that prove it. • Wed 2011 May 25, 7:17pm

This is how President Obama signed the guestbook at Westminster Abbey earlier today....

It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice. Barack Obama 24 May 2008 • Wed 2011 May 25, 7:01pm

House lawmakers from both parties are siding with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over President Obama in their differing approaches to the Israel-Palestine border dispute. ... Rep. Robert Andrews (D-N.J.) said Tuesday that Obama is "tilting toward Hamas" ... Rep. Austin Scott (R-Ga.), for one, said the president "absolutely … made a mistake ... With all of the political turmoil and unrest in the Middle East, I don't understand why the president injected himself into that issue right now...." Both Rep. Steny Hoyer (Md.), the House Democratic whip, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) have also rejected Obama's proposal in recent days, telling the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) that preconditions have no place in the negotiations. ... • Wed 2011 May 25, 6:59pm

ObamaU.S. President Barack Obama's Palestinian Authority-Israel peace plan is a "formula for war," writes Bret Stephens, foreign affairs editor and deputy editorial page editor of The Wall St. Journal. In an op-ed article in the Journal, Stephens charged that the president's approach to Israel and his relationship to American Jews has showed that he "has mastered the concept of chutzpah." "What Mr. Obama offered is a formula for war, one that he will pursue in a second term. Assuming, of course, that he gets one," Stephens wrote. • Wed 2011 May 25, 6:59pm

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood unveiled new fuel-economy window stickers for cars and trucks, saying "we're not just sitting around waiting for high gasoline prices to come down." His ride of choice to the unveiling: This 12-mpg Chevy Suburban SUV. • Wed 2011 May 25, 6:58pm

President Obama's proposed 2011 budget did not include funds for Constellation, therefore essentially canceling the program. It sent shock waves throughout NASA, the Congress and the American people. Nearly $10 billion had been invested in design and development of the program.... Obama's advisers, in searching for a new and different NASA strategy with which the president could be favorably identified, ignored NASA's operational mandate and strayed widely from President Kennedy's vision and the will of the American people. -NEIL ARMSTRONG
