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Displaying 391 - 420 of 780 • Thu 2011 Jun 23, 6:29pm

Was Mrs. Weiner (Huma Abedin), the Deputy Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton unaware that her mother was reported as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Did western media miss what has been REVEALED in several Arab newspapers, which remained SECRET in American government circles? • Thu 2011 Jun 23, 6:27pm

The lethal fallout from a botched operation by the US Department of Justice which allowed almost 2,000 illegally purchased firearms to be transported from the streets of Arizona to drug gangs in Mexico has been laid bare in a scathing Congressional report, which concludes that it resulted in countless deaths. A mixture of arrogance, over-confidence, and staggering ineptitude by the Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [ATF] was outlined in a 51-page investigation by two Republican members of a House panel charged with getting to the bottom of what went wrong during a two-year operation called "Fast and Furious". • Thu 2011 Jun 23, 5:20pm

On Friday, the Obama administration issued a memo announcing that federal immigration officials do not have to deport illegal aliens if they are enrolled in any type of education program, if their family members have volunteered for U.S. military service, or even if they are pregnant or nursing. This new policy of "prosecutorial discretion" was quietly announced on Friday afternoon, and completely ignored by the mainstream press. • Thu 2011 Jun 23, 3:38pm

ObamaSeveral Democrat strategists candidly admit that the president has not been very effective at communicating in a manner that reaches voters. "They do not believe he shares their values and their concerns," conceded one. Simple things, such as Obama not receiving economic briefings for more than a month, make voters scratch their heads -- especially when the jobs data are anything but optimistic. Obama will be a formidable force against whatever Republican emerges from the GOP primaries. Beating an incumbent is never easy. Yet no modern president has won re-election when unemployment was at 8 percent or higher. Most economists predict joblessness will still be above that number on Election Day 2012. • Thu 2011 Jun 23, 3:30pm

ObamaSay what you will about President Barack Obama, but when he misrepresents the truth, no matter how much evidence surfaces to the contrary, he stands by his falsehoods.... In the first paragraph of an exclusive Father's Day essay for People Magazine, Obama continues the fiction that his father, Barack Obama Sr., "left when I was two years old."... If the president persists in lying about the first few years of his life, why should we accept his account of the first few days? • Thu 2011 Jun 23, 3:27pm

[Obama] then told everyone fill up on the food offerings that included hot dogs, hamburgers, fried chicken and funnel cake. "I want you guys to eat until you can't eat any more. All right?" he said. And perhaps because his wife was right there, Obama added, "And then tomorrow you can 'Let's Move.'" • Thu 2011 Jun 23, 3:23pm

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer told the Netroots Nation blog conference this morning that the Barack Obama never filled out the 1996 questionnaire, when he was running for the Illinois legislature, in which he averred that he supports gay marriage. The questionnaire - two questionnaires in fact - have been out there for years - 15 years in fact - and it has caused the President, who now claims to oppose marriage equality for gay couples, a good amount of heartburn as reporters, such as the Blade's Chris Johnson, keep asking the White House it. • Sun 2011 Jun 19, 8:22pm

President Obama does any number of things that annoy or downright enrage House Republicans, often in the context of constitutionalism. Now a handful of them, many freshmen who ran on platforms of strict constitutional adherence, are unhappy that the president used a so-called autopen to sign legislation extending the U.S.A. Patriot Act, and have written him a letter demanding that he re-sign the bill. [Note how the Times puts this in terms of the "handful" of "freshmen" Republicans, not in terms of the Constitutional crisis Obama potentially creates ... with practically everything he does, come to think of it.] • Sun 2011 Jun 19, 12:58pm

Obama"Well, I don't have anything specific," White House press secretary said... "He did not know about or authorize this operation," Carney told the press about President Obama's lack of involvement.... • Sun 2011 Jun 19, 12:47pm

Asked on "Fox News Sunday" if the U.S. was engaged in hostilities in Libya, Gates said: "The way I like to put it is, from our standpoint at the Pentagon, we're involved in a limited kinetic operation. If I'm in Gadhafi's palace, I suspect I think I'm at war." [Depends on what the definition of "is" is?] • Thu 2011 Jun 16, 7:40pm

Rick Santorum isn't afraid to come right out and speak the truth about what an unmitigated disaster Obama and his leftist cohorts have been for Americans. ... Rick Santorum recently (correctly) stated that sharia is evil ... Rick Santorum understands, far better than many, the insanity of not stopping CRIMINAL ALIEN INVADERS from crossing our porous southern border and that there is a "Gathering Storm" coming our way from Latin America that we ignore at our grave peril, even as Obama does nothing useful to stop it and even worsens the problem all while making bad jokes and snide remarks. • Thu 2011 Jun 16, 7:29pm

I honestly don't understand why Rick Santorum isn't getting more coverage in the right blogosphere when he is on the right (as in correct) side of all the important issues and he has a strong record to prove it. Perhaps it's because of the awful and disgusting abuse he's been subjected to by far left radicals, I mean you can't do a web search for information about him without seeing the most vile explicit filth at the top of the results thanks to the efforts of cyber bullying creep Dan Savage and his merry band of Google-bombing cretins. Which begs the question for Conservatives, what is going to determine who you support to run against Obama; competence, righteousness and experience, or hardcore leftist jackals? • Thu 2011 Jun 16, 4:41pm

The White House is telling Congress that President Obama has the legal authority to continue American participation in the NATO-led air war in Libya, even though lawmakers have not authorized it.... The two senior administration lawyers contended that American forces have not been in "hostilities" at least since April 7, when NATO took over leadership in maintaining a no-flight zone in Libya, and the United States took up what is mainly a supporting role... • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 5:59pm

At last night's Republican debate, the seven candidates talked about unemployment, taxes, regulations, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty's talk of a goal of 5% GDP growth, the individual mandate in the health care bill, the Independent Medicare Advisory Board, welfare reform, the Tea Party, currency policy, the National Labor Relations Board, Boeing, TARP, the auto bailout, Rep. Paul Ryan's Medicare proposal, former Gov. Mitt Romney's health care program in Massachusetts, raising the debt ceiling, raising the retirement age for Social Security, the role of religion in public life, the 10th amendment, Libya, Afghanistan, and so on. But President Obama's 2012 campaign is sending out a DNC video suggesting the candidates spoke only about sharia law, an anti-gay-marriage amendment, repealing health care, Sarah Palin, and the space program. • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 5:58pm

PigPresident Barack Obama said yesterday that you would want Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D.-Fla.) "on your side" because "she's got a cute smile," and you would want her "in your foxhole" because "not only is she charming" but she has a "dazzling smile," and is "tough as nails." ... "Don't mess with Debbie...." [a/k/a Sgt Schultz] • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 3:08pm

ObamaBarack Obama has long sought to bankrupt the coal industry. But, Cook County politician that he is and always will be, the relevant question is: who benefits from his plans wreck a major portion of our economy while also boosting electricity prices across America? A clue: he and his pals from Chicago have incestuous ties to the one company whose prospects will be boosted by Obama's policies. ... From the Tribune article: One company that expects to benefit from the changes is Chicago-based Exelon Corp., which has a large fleet of nuclear power plants that have low emissions and are cheap to run compared with coal plants.... What political figures close to Barack Obama have long ties to Exelon? David Axlerod, Obama's campaign strategist and chief domestic policy adviser (who had the office closest to the Oval one before he left the White House to return to the 2012 campaign trail), has reaped quite a few rewards from doing business with Commonwealth Edison, which became part of the Exelon octopus through corporate mergers... There are the legions of investors in green schemes who are Obama supporters and whose uneconomic projects can only succeed through government arm-twisting (an Obama talent). ... For history buffs, Com Ed at one time was headed by Tom Ayers, a power broker par excellence in Chicago. Ayers was the father of Bill Ayers.... • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 3:04pm

Via Ace, remember how angry we all were when he admitted that "shovel-ready" public works projects — the ostensible target of the stimulus — um, don't really exist? The Democrats spent weeks before he was inaugurated selling voters on the concept and did a good enough job that they ended up with a $787 billion check from Congress for their trouble. Well, get ready to turn those frowns upside down, America: It was explained to Obama [at today's event] that the permitting process can delay projects for "months to years … and in many cases even cause projects to be abandoned … I'm sure that when you implemented the Recovery Act your staff briefed you on many of these challenges." At this point, Obama smiled and interjected, "Shovel-ready was not as … uh .. shovel-ready as we expected." The Council, led by GE's Jeffrey Immelt, erupted in laughter. • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 2:51pm

Sarah Palin 45x45On Sunday John Zieger wrote a piece at the Daily Caller entitled, "The Sarah Palin I know". In his very lengthy article Ziegler writes what I would consider a self indulgent chronology of his interactions with Governor Palin, beginning just after the 2008 election. Between anecdotes of what seems like every single interaction Ziegler has had with the Palin family and their staff, he argues that not only is Sarah Palin unelectable in 2012 but her entering the race would ensure a second term for President Obama. At John Nolte does a fantastic job summarizing Ziegler's argument (using Zieglers own words) and disarming the bogus bombshell claims. • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 2:50pm

The one missing element? Overflowing crowds.... The top level of the 2,200-seat concert hall at the Adrienne Arsht Center for Performing Arts was entirely empty, as were the seats along the side of the second and third levels. • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 2:47pm

Sarah Palin 45x45"He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War 6. More time to quietly Organize4Palin under the radar, saving up for the big push. 4. More time for Obama to screw up (again and again and again). • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 2:36pm

ObamaWhy is the Los Angeles Times sitting on a videotape of the 2003 farewell bash in Chicago at which Barack Obama lavished praise on the guest of honor, Rashid Khalidi — former mouthpiece for master terrorist Yasser Arafat? At the time Khalidi, a PLO adviser turned University of Chicago professor, was headed east to Columbia. There he would take over the University's Middle East-studies program (which he has since maintained as a bubbling cauldron of anti-Semitism) and assume the professorship endowed in honor of Edward Sayyid, another notorious terror apologist. The party featured encomiums by many of Khalidi's allies, colleagues, and friends, including Barack Obama, then an Illinois state senator, and Bill Ayers, the terrorist turned education professor. It was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), which had been founded by Khalidi and his wife, Mona, formerly a top English translator for Arafat's press agency. • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 2:21pm

ObamaRemember the hysteria the greeted Hurricane Katrina? The denunciations of George Bush and the Army Corps of Engineers? The round-the-clock charges of racism?The unremitting media consternation about government "failure"? Compare all that with the formerly mainstream media's response to the devastation wrought by tornadoes these last few weeks in the Midwest. In order to help you with the exercise, I pass along a few photographs from that unfolding horror, with accompanying questions that a friend sent me. [UPDATE: some of these photographs come from previous natural disasters in the Midwest: the response, however was always the same.] • Sat 2011 Jun 11, 11:30am

Sarah Palin 45x45ObamaBetween the plethora of jokes being made at the elite media's expense today, there is now discussion of using the FOIA request process to obtain records on President Obama. Interestingly, I did a brief search to see of records of Obama from his Illinois Senate days have been released. Judicial Watch reports that this records have been made to disappear.However, you can be sure every Palin-supporting conservative organization is placing a series of FOIA requests on Obama emails wherever they may reside. • Fri 2011 Jun 10, 6:05pm

Sarah Palin 45x45This method of using readers to dig dirt is actually called crowd sourcing. It is a method of mine data. What I want to know is why didn't the New York Times or the Washington Post employ this method on something that is truly vital to America like the 3,000 pages of ObamaCare. We all know no one in Washington read that monster before it passed. Yet, here are two supposedly legitimate newspapers getting a mob together to create a Palin Hating gang bang. The whole thing reeks of media bias and fascism to me. One thing for sure, Sarah Palin's greatest strength is that she generates so much hate from the left, that they are willing to drop all their phony veneers of compassion, tolerance, objectivity, you name it just to smear her. This unmasking will only work in her favor. • Fri 2011 Jun 10, 9:03am

ObamaBarack Obama has come under fire for extending a formal invitation to a shamed African dictator who has ruthlessly plundered billions of dollars from his own country. The U.S. President is today having a coveted private meeting with President Ali Bongo of Gabon in the Oval Office despite his appalling track record. Bongo's family has ruled the impoverished African nation with an iron fist for five decades and have used its oil riches to fund a life of outrageous luxury. • Fri 2011 Jun 10, 9:02am

An Ohio restaurant mentioned last week by President Barack Obama as an indirect beneficiary of the government's Chrysler bailout will go out of business Sunday after a more than 70-year history. • Wed 2011 Jun 8, 8:52pm

It is hard not to reach the conclusion that the announcement was deliberately released at this juncture to weaken US public support for Israel. If my hunch is right, and the Obama administration decided to use the sanctions as a means to humiliate Israel, then this represents a stunning blow to the US's credibility as an ally. • Wed 2011 Jun 8, 2:22pm

President Obama's claims to have saved the U.S. auto industry with government bailouts, takeovers and buyouts in 2009 don't quite square with the facts. Actually, according to The Washington Post's Fact Checker by Glenn Kessler, Obama's claims are "one of the most misleading collections of assertions we have seen in a short presidential speech. [h/t to Cuz BD] • Mon 2011 Jun 6, 5:56pm

President Obama's chief consumer affairs adviser, Elizabeth Warren. On multiple occasions this year, members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have asked Warren, a former Harvard University professor, simple, direct questions about her decisions and actions regarding the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In response, Warren has resolutely responded with a systematic evasion that cries out for a contempt of Congress citation.
