Uh-oh. Refreshed the page and there were no new comments. I'm caught up! What will I do now? panic!
Need bacon! And coffee! BRB
ICYMI, morning thread is up.
Oh, hi, Emergency Backup Open Thread [Y-not]. I thought you was daid.
It was hardly used, after all. Deserved a resurrection just for the kitty watching Tom & Jerry pic.
NOOD?? What was this, a head-fake?
Just FTR, the leatherneck graphic is by chrissythehyphenated over at PoliNation.
chrissy, was that leatherneck graphic your work? I notice there’s no credits on it.
okay, I'll quit talking out loud to myself now.
Good night, Gracies.
cth: "…author did rewrite the article without noting that he had done so…"
Ew, that's not right. Did you get a screencap or save the page, then?
Color me confused.
cth: "The de Blasio quotation was used totally OUT OF CONTEXT."
Sven, dead end of last thread: "Curses foiled again in my pursuit of the magic #"
Sven, let's you & me go add 33 comments on the ONT. I'll let you get in the last word.
5 Years: A good beginning.
Congratulations to the Crew. Glad the place is here.
Those awkward minutes when folks trickle in to the latest thread, while others continue to thrash about in the dying previous thread; but each thread has its own life and manners.
Blog Heap o'Links — just random links galore, clumped under various headings.
Deserved acclaim!
However, this speaks to one of my long-standing concerns: If PoliNation hits the big time, will commenters have to start behaving ourselves?
Grunt: "I’ll go back and revise backward…"
Wait… did you change your message? Makes my reply kinda orphaned. Funny that.
Looking at my open tabs, I see I have three dozen news stories open. None of them "Fun Friday" type.
Jane, the Regressives "NEVER come right out and admit their goal" is certainly true, and that's the very reason I wondered about the Jarrett quote's validity right off the bat.
I'm a-gonna take your opening remarks as explanation rather than apology, Pete, because, you bring the hot fun almost daily, nothing to apologize for.
Oh, say, speaking of Sunny TV, she's been slacking off for a long time for some strange reason.
Back. The ONT was good. Decided to skip the comments, though. Hope I didn't miss anything world-shattering.
Wow. I just remembered. I never read the ONT. BBL. Don't let the comments pile up too much while I'm gone.
Not much PoliNating since Friday. Hoping all PoliNation principals are bearing up under sniffles, snowfalls, and what-alls.
Well, that excitement was short-lived. Guess I'll read the post.
No way.
Seriously, nice work, Pete. Special thanks for updates on Tyler.
I have a dream that one day my children will be judged by the quality of the blogs they follow and not by their political party affiliation.
When my newsfeeds showed a new post today from Sister Toldjah, I thought, whoa! It's been a while, hasn't it? And I thought it with a smile of anticipation.
Pete: "…two links per reply…"
Tha's me: always pushin' the envelope.
I jus' could'a swored that I got away with leaving three links and an image in a comment a few weeks back.