Y-not: I look forward to reading the posts that Ace asks you to write for the blog.
Just got here, but it looks like the thread has been superceded. And not by an open thread. Politics! Not ready! What will I do now?
I could... skip AoSHQ this morning...?
I get through reading the content and what do I see?
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I woulda been firstests if I'd not just woke up. Reely.
Oregon Muse cheated
PP: I feel kinda stupid posting a bunch of links…
No need to mention that the morning thread is on the doorstep, right? Everybody has already moooved on, I'm sure. (Only answer if you're not here.)
nood drewd with a nickle's worth of free advice
Pharq! Wish WordPress let me edit my comments.
Churches That Oppose Gay Marriage Should Still Tax Breaks
Man, if they're going to start taxing breaks, ... wait, whut?
The librarymobile has pulled up in the parking lot.
I subscribe to the Treehouse feed, usually just to scan through the open threads for links (as I do several other sites' open threads).
Argh. Took me so long, so many keystrokes and mouse clicks, to just clip a quote, Pixy-ize it (three tries dang those apostrophes), get the ...
Weird. After posting my comment, I didn't get the page back, I got which is blank.
I read the headlines, get to the comments section and there aren't any!
GGE: ...*withdraws quietly*
*types* *deletes* *ponders*
Penalty for early withdrawal?
*pokes head in*
I expect content, now! HR, quit slacking!
Posted by: mindful webworker - we can haz nic linkz? at June 07, 2015 08:36 AM (ckrhB)
*withdraws quietly*
Trying to develop a new habit of checking nic links. Or, at least, went through and checked 'em in this thread. Consequently, I just subscribed, overduely, to newsfeeds for a couple of blogs
Wow. Caught up on comments. Must be time to stand up and do something before more is posted. Naawww...
Time sweeps by. Hi.
Over at Legal Insurrection, they post bumper-sticker photos all the time, and always block out the plate number. If the Perfesser thinks it's a good idea, it probably is.
Don't mind me. I'm just scraping off a wool sock.
p.s. note to investigators: I did not kill the thread. It was dead when I found it.
Killerdog: "The dump is up!"
Fer realz?
Oh, Morning Open Thread of BenK's, we hardly knew ye.
We been faked out ag'in.
Old Man Dester Giggens: In fact I have to lever myself out of this comfy chair and put shoes on. . . right after I check to see if there is anything interesting in the comments.
I worked hard composing my reply to Vic News in the previous thread, and what's my reward? Posted too late. (Rushing to hit Post here, before the art thread comes up.)
Willowed by Ben. Naturally.
I calculate that mine are about 10% of the comments this morning. I know it's a realllly slow-moving thread, but that's almost -- oh, what's it called? -- embarrassing?
No, really?
Hahahaha. I got first on the BenK thread! Yay me. I'm a utter geek.
Ben's up, btw.
Hahahaha. I got first on the BenK thread! Yay me. I'm a utter geek.
Ben's up, btw.