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Donkey's rear
Zombie at PJ Media • Wed 2012 Jul 11, 2:32pmGeorge Lakoff, Professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at U.C. Berkeley — and highly regarded Democratic tactician — has just released his playbook for the 2012 election. Titled The Little Blue Book: The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic, it purports to be the ultimate insiders’ guide to liberal messaging and left-wing ideology. … You know how whenever Democrats lose an election, they invariably blame their “poor messaging” and never ever the content of their policies? Lakoff came up with that. Liberals find it very reassuring: We don’t need to rethink our ideas — we just need to express ourselves more clearly.
Jim Hoft on Gateway Pundit • Sun 2012 Jul 1, 9:23pm
On Monday, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry made some startling accusations. Harris-Perry told her audience that 9-11 gave America PTSD. She added that Muslim terrorists were an imagined racial enemy for “white America.” [Video. Just when you think they can't go lower…]
David Axe, War is Boring • Mon 2012 Jun 4, 10:31pm
Some folks have accused me of “fabricating” quotations I attributed to Army Brig. Gen. Neil Tolley regarding U.S. surveillance operations in North Korea. [Tale of one reporter's trial and victory in the information wars.]
John Hudson, The Atlantic • Sun 2012 May 6, 7:01pm
Iran's semi-official Mehrs News Agency (MNA) using another digitally-altered image to depict its missile program. ... Humorously, it appears Iran is now using images from the meme it created to depict its own missile program. Even more humorously, it appears the Photoshopped image MNA picked includes a photo of loathed Star Wars prequel character Jar Jar Binks.
BigFurHat, I Own the World • Wed 2012 May 2, 8:02pm

Left-Wing Bizarro World [poster: "Cracker" v "Minority"]

Philly Burbs • Wed 2012 May 2, 6:12pm

A man exposed himself to a woman inside the Bucks County Association for the Blind. [This made Drudge I presume because haha it's funny a man exposing himself to the blind, except that isn't the story, just the inference you're expected to make. Sheesh!], MRC-TV • Thu 2012 Apr 19, 12:57pm
Watch the excruciating contortions of various Obama administration officials as they struggle mightily to avoid saying (or making any reference) to Islam while discussing “violent extremism” when questioned by congressional committees. [video]
Jimmah at Ace of Spades • Thu 2012 Apr 5, 8:15pm

The emerging demographic situation developing here between Russia and China is simply catastrophic. The crisis is due to the creeping expansion of thousands of Chinese migrants. Chinese workers entering Siberia are replacing Russians who are not prepared to toil 12 hours a day for a pittance. Chinese students are taught that Siberia is their land, stolen from China in the 19th century. It is suspected by many Russians here that China is subsidizing the migration of its citizens. Demographers predict that by 2025 Chinese will be the Russian Far East's predominant ethnic group. Then, it is feared, they will gain the right to vote and demand union with China.

Russia's military is as bad off as its health care system. Its draftee troops are mercilessly mistreated and have no morale. Its equipment old and rusted, its technology obsolete, it couldn't take on Poland much less China. Its nukes are useless as the Chinese have lots as well and would be the last men standing in an exchange.Russia's GDP is smaller than Mexico's (766 billion vs. 768 billion - the US is 12.5 trillion). And it will get smaller as its main export, oil, becomes less competitive given high extraction costs.The geopolitical bottom line is that there is no way Russia is going to be able to hold on to Siberia for much longer. Within 20 years or less, it's going to be Chinese Siberia.It won't take a war. The demographics will become so overwhelming that Moscow will just give up and sell the place. Maybe not all at once. Maybe in bites.

Gene's Blog • Wed 2012 Apr 4, 7:24pm

With impunity, foul mouths like Bill Maher can call Sarah Palin a “c*nt” and a “dumb twat” and be excused by Obama’s hatchet man David Axelrod. Vile morons like Ed Schultz can characterize Laura Ingraham as “a talk slut,” Republicans as Nazis, and wish former VP Dick Cheney were dead. Mike Malloy can refer to Rep. Bachmann as a “hatemonger” and an evil bitch. Matt Taibbi can blog about Michelle Malkin “with a big, hairy set of balls in her mouth.”

Yet, Rush Limbaugh is the misogynist? Yup, in the twisted left dictionary!

I have a few news flashes for liberals. One, your hypocrisy and contempt for women are showing and two, both FOX News and Rush Limbaugh will be around long after liberalism is exposed for what it is, a despicable, hateful, and deceitful ideology more suited for the old Soviet Union than for America.

[h/t berlet98 at Moonbattery]

Loco Joe
Bruce W. Krafft, The Truth About Guns • Tue 2012 Apr 3, 6:11pm

[Joe Biden:] You know the bulk of the people who are shot with a weapon other than these drug gangs taking on one another end up being shot with their own weapon…

No. No they don’t….

mama winger on Ace of Spades • Mon 2012 Mar 26, 11:28am

110 This timeline of events makes me curious. Bear with me.

February 28. Trayvon Martin is killed.

March 1st. Andrew Breitbart passes away. A few days later, his organization releases tapes that showcase Derrick Bell and his Critical Race Theory, and ties Bell to Obama.

March 15th. Bill Ayers makes this statement: "I think the people who practice white supremacy and who benefit from it are going to have to be stopped. And I think that's a huge undertaking and I think it takes a revolution."

March 20th. Malia Obama goes to Mexico on Spring Break. Why do I mention this? Because this is the day that we all got to witness the very blatant fact that Obama can tell the Press which stories NOT to run.

March 20th, again. The first mention of the Trayvon Martin case that I have been able to find in the National press. Why then? Three full weeks had passed between the shooting and the Media push. Was this story intentionally pushed by the White House? We know they have the power and a willing press - they just demonstrated it themselves that very day.

Then Barack Obama inserts himself into the story, not to reign it in, but to provide an empathetic cover.

Recall the quote from Professor Bell, beloved mentor of Barack Obama: “ The new crop of leaders are going to be a lot more dangerous and
radical, and the next phase will probably be led by charismatic individuals, who urge that instead of killing each other, they should go out in gangs and kill a whole lot of white people.”

MRC-TV • Fri 2012 Mar 23, 6:29pm

MRCTV's Alicia Powe and Katie Yoder confront DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) about her claim that Republicans want to 'literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws' by enforcing voter id laws. Schultz denies ever making a Jim Crow reference. [Video]

Draw and Strike • Fri 2012 Mar 23, 6:28pm

Before Any Facts Are Known About Whether George Zimmerman

1. Is Even A Republican, Or
2. If He Listens To Talk Radio At All, And
3. Has Paid Any Attention Whatsoever To The Republican Presidential Race,

Let's Sound Smart By Accusing Rush, Newt And Rick Of 'Creating The Environment' That Led To TrayVon Martin's Death

Andrew Stiles, Washington Free Beacon, Fox News • Fri 2012 Mar 23, 1:20pm

President Obama denied culpability for the failure of solar firm Solyndra in a radio interview on Tuesday, instead pinning the blame on Congress and the Chinese.

Stealer of Comments at Ace of Spades • Tue 2012 Mar 13, 11:55am

67 If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

Reuters • Sun 2011 Dec 18, 12:44pm

Vaclav Havel, a dissident playwright jailed by Communists who became Czech president and a symbol of peace and freedom after leading the bloodless "Velvet Revolution," died at 75 on Sunday. ... Just six months after completing his last jail sentence, Havel led hundreds of thousands of protesters in Prague's cobblestone streets in a peaceful uprising in November 1989 that ended Soviet-backed rule. Just over a month later, he was installed as president in Prague Castle. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said on Twitter: "Vaclav Havel was one of the greatest Europeans of our age. His voice for freedom paved the way for a Europe whole and free." • Thu 2011 Sep 8, 4:23pm

no one applauded until instructed to... When President Bush gave a speech to the military... the media made sure that everyone knew who the applaud-starter had been... Oddly enough, they were strangely silent when President Obama not only didn't receive applause... [until] from the stage, someone requested of the audience to do so. ... I suppose there's always the possibility that they, like me, didn't realize that it happened, which wouldn't be altogether too surprising considering the WhiteHouse YouTube channel conveniently edited out the beginning of the speech. • Thu 2011 Sep 8, 2:32pm

the mental universe of liberalism. It is a vast sphere of assumptions that are found nowhere else. In an effort to promote the civility of debate that is so much in demand these days, here is a compendium of the myths underlying some of the strange things liberals say. • Wed 2011 Sep 7, 2:24pm

Teamster leader James Hoffa spoke. Calling Republicans "sons of bitches" he assured the president that "this is your army. We are ready to march" and that it was time to take the other side "out". The president didn't disavow the remarks when he spoke shortly thereafter which would imply, if he were a Republican and the media cared about covering it, that he agreed with Hoffa. Obviously the crazed Carson gunman heard the call to arms and shot at military members, a segment of the population traditionally aligned with those Republicans he was instructed to "take out." Taking the president's silence as tacit agreement, the gunman followed the instructions given to him. President Obama really should apologize to the families of the dead and to the country. No? That sounds crazy? • Mon 2011 Aug 29, 3:03pm

If the claim is now being made that to be properly "Anti-Jihadist" you really now do simply have to be anti-Muslim, period, and cannot attempt any overtures or any sort of goodwill gestures towards Muslims you actually believe are moderate (and seem to be so), then sign me down because I'm not part of that. I think that is where people are driving this bus. It's easier to just dismiss them all than try to make distinctions. • Mon 2011 Aug 29, 1:31pm

Wikipedia so many information-based institutions, Wikipedia has also come under growing criticism from political conservatives who see a leftwing bias, sometimes overt and often subtle, in its entries. Some on the Right take the claim so seriously that in protest they created Conservapedia as an alternative. Finding examples of Wikipedia's bias is not difficult. One need only compare the entries of figures who do the same thing but from opposite sides of the political spectrum. Consider Ann Coulter versus Michael Moore. Coulter's entry (on August 9, 2011) was 9028 words long.* Of this longer-than-usual entry, 3220 words were devoted to "Controversies and criticism" in which a series of incidents involving Coulter and quotes from her are cited with accompanying condemnations, primarily from her opponents on the Left. That's 35.6 percent of Coulter's entry devoted to making her look bad. By contrast, Moore's entry is 2876 words (the more standard length for entries on political commentators), with 130 devoted to "Controversy." That's 4.5% of the word count, a fraction of Coulter's. Does this mean that an "unbiased" commentator would find Coulter eight times as "controversial" as Moore? • Tue 2011 Aug 23, 3:12pm

To admit that over a thousand of its idealistic volunteers get raped in the countries they are coming to help, might make Americans think that those countries aren't worth helping. That maybe they aren't noble souls who happen to lack proper irrigation and classrooms, but that they lack those things because there is nothing noble about their cultural backwardness. • Sun 2011 Aug 21, 8:32pm

Facebook said Friday it mistakenly removed a post in which Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer criticized a controversial policy decision by President Barack Obama's administration to limit deportations of illegal immigrants. ... Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes responded to a query by The Associated Press by saying in a brief email that Brewer's post was removed in error and that Facebook was sorry. ... Brewer reposted the item Friday, saying the original post was ``censored'' by Facebook. Both versions included a statement in which she criticized the Obama policy decision and the illustration, a color drawing of Brewer in a Rosie the Riveter pose. Brewer used the drawing in her 2010 election campaign. Its headline of ``doing the job the feds won't do'' refers to Brewer's clashes with Obama's administration on immigration and border issues. "Something that's been posted on there a lot of times....'' • Fri 2011 Aug 19, 5:07pm

Obamaout of the 13 items for sale, seven are Obama-related, in addition to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy's memoir, "True Compass." The only CBS-related item is a DVD copy of "60 Minutes Presents — Obama: All Access — The Road to the White House." • Wed 2011 Aug 17, 9:52am

Ed Schultz used a deceptive edit to misinform his audience about the content of Gov. Rick Perry's speech in Iowa yesterday. Schultz claimed that Gov. Perry was calling President Obama a "black cloud hanging over America" when in fact, the governor was talking about the national debt. [c/o Instapundit c/o commenter Lisette at HillBuzz] • Sat 2011 Jul 23, 12:16pm

SunThe BBC was criticised by climate change sceptics yesterday after it emerged that their views will get less coverage because they differ from mainline scientific opinion. In a report by its governing body, the BBC Trust, the corporation was urged to focus less on opponents of the "majority consensus" in its programmes. It said coverage should not be tailored to represent a "false balance" of opinion if one side came from a minority group. • Fri 2011 Jul 22, 10:16am

A new promotional video released by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists, as Big Sis continues its relentless drive to cement the myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies. ... Despite encouraging viewers not to pay attention to a person's race in determining whether or not they may be a terrorist, almost all of the scenarios in the clip proceed to portray white people as the most likely terrorists. Bizarrely, nearly every single one of the "patriotic" Americans who reports on their fellow citizen is either black, Asian or Arab.... Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the DHS' own internal documents list predominantly white conservative groups as the most likely terrorists, such as Ron Paul supporters, gun owners, gold bullion enthusiasts, and a myriad of other comparatively banal political interests that are largely the domain of white middle class Americans. ... • Sun 2011 Jul 10, 2:24pm

In a western world whose intelligentsia is consumed by irrational and malevolent hatred of America and Israel and is hell-bent on undermining the west and assisting its mortal enemies, Murdoch has provided the one media voice putting forward a pro-America, pro-Israel, pro-defence of the west position -- including support for the Iraq war. That's why the left hate him so much. They display the same kind of frenzied, irrational obsession over Murdoch as they do over America, Israel and Iraq. When you consider the BBC's 'group-think' bent journalism, or the disgusting support the Guardian provides, week in, week out, to anti-Jewish, anti-gay, women-beating hate-mongers, to see the BBC and Guardian scarcely able to contain themselves over Murdoch's disaster is a nauseating spectacle. • Sat 2011 Jul 9, 4:40pm

today's high-tech lynch mobsters are no different when they try to destroy the careers, jobs, and reputations of good and decent people -- and even their children, like one-year-old baby Trig Palin. Michele Bachmann was just threatened by one of the media mobsters, because now her 23 foster children are free bait for the media lynchers. This is like mafia thugs walking through your nice family home and telling you what a fire hazard it is, and are you sure you don't want to sell out? They have no decency. None at all. ... We have to understand very clearly how ruthless these people are. Mentally they are prepared to destroy other human beings, something conservatives (by definition) cannot do, because we have decent values. ... The left has told women to hate men. Gays are supposed to hate heterosexuals. Blacks are now more paranoid about whites than they ever were before. Sarah Palin's church was burned down in Wasilla after the 2008 campaign. Where are the media sleuths on that raging mob behavior? They demonstrate how to do it to their brain-dead followers. Then they accuse others of "bullying." ... If you think I'm exaggerating, just watch what the media mobsters are doing to Herman Cain, Rep. Allen West, Governor Palin, and Rep. Michele Bachmann, and ask yourself if there's any difference from the Dixiecrat Kluxers beyond the choice of tools. ... • Tue 2011 Jun 14, 3:09pm

Yes, that is an actual headline at Cnn money. Yes, really. Go look at the link and you will hardly believe it (and I have screenshots, anticipating a full scrubbing of this). And, I will note, there isn't anything there labeling it an editorial. And even then, wingnuts? Really? ....
