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Educating Ourselves

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The American Dream • Mon 2012 Apr 2, 7:45pm

These exercises are often called "evacuation drills" or "relocation drills" and they are more than a little disturbing. Sometimes parents are notified in advance where the kids are being taken and sometimes they are only told that the children are being taken to an "undisclosed location". In the years since 9/11 and the Columbine school shootings, there has been a concerted effort to make school emergency drills much more "realistic" and much more intense.

Helen Lovejoy
Moonbattery • Thu 2012 Mar 22, 5:58pm

"Russell Hobby, of the National Association of Head Teachers, confirmed some schools were adopting best-friend bans."

By the same logic, romantic relationships will be banned, on the pretext that feelings will be hurt if they don’t work out.... A slave’s only meaningful relationship should be with his master: Big Government.

Hot Air • Fri 2012 Mar 16, 6:22pm

Cartoon Network’s new film, “Stop Bullying: Speak Out.” As its name suggests, the movie aims to teach kids to speak out when they witness bullying — and to not bully other children themselves. One of its many prescriptions: Don’t call classmates words like “stupid,” “fat” and “jerk.” "...But just saying, ‘Stop it! You know, you’re being a jerk!’–walk away, get away from this person can make a huge amount of difference.”
[h/t J on Moonbattery]

Penelope Trunk Blog • Fri 2012 Jan 6, 1:31pm

Baby boomers changed politics, Gen X changed family, Gen Y changed work, and Gen Z will change education. Here’s how the education of Gen Z will affect us at work.
1. A huge wave of homeschooling will create a more self-directed workforce....
2. Homeschooling as kids will become unschooling as adults....
3. The college degree will return to its bourgeois roots; entrepreneurship will rule....
[h/t Cuz BD]

Big Government • Wed 2011 Dec 28, 9:23pm

Hughes, a local union president, is pitching the idea that school board membership be limited to people who “have worked in the education field,” because the issues at hand are “so complex” and too complicated for average citizens. • Mon 2011 Aug 29, 6:25pm

we're on more equal footing than we may think when it comes to how our brains learn. And it's a mistake to assume students will respond and remember information better depending on how it's presented. • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 12:19pm

I mean, really: parents having any say about schools? How regressive a notion is that? • Sat 2011 Jul 30, 2:50pm

Below I've highlighted seven key questions that should be asked of our education system. Interestingly, all of the problems they touch on have one common culprit: mass standardization. While left-liberals love to espouse the virtues of diversity, their actions do not follow their words. Real diversity is achieved by respecting the liberties of individuals, not by forcing conformity on them. Real educational diversity requires the freedom to define and pursue education according to one's values, interests, and aptitude. Education will be revolutionized once these liberties are afforded. [h/t to Cuz BD] • Sat 2011 Jul 30, 12:58pm

I found this blog awhile back and haven't missed a Daily Grudge since. Keep on doing what you are doing, because it is working. For so long, I thought I was alone, now I know I have patriot brothers and sisters all over the nation…it has inspired me and strengthened me to do things I never imagined. [Commenter blessed2beme3] • Mon 2011 Jul 25, 6:55pm

"It's a real catch-22 at the moment: if you decide to go to university and don't work, you leave with qualifications but no work experience and lots of debt. If you opt out of university and concentrate on work, you get plenty of work experience but no qualifications...." "Everything is done online and if I want to do three lectures in a day, I can. I set my own timetable, that's one of the good things about long distance learning." • Mon 2011 Jul 25, 5:54pm

So what happens when, using Khan Academy, you wind up with a kid in fifth grade who has mastered high school trigonometry and physics—but is still functioning like a regular 10-year-old when it comes to writing, history, and social studies? Khan's programmer, Ben Kamens, has heard from teachers who've seen Khan Academy presentations and loved the idea but wondered whether they could modify it "to stop students from becoming this advanced." This attitude is a natural outgrowth of our decision to operate education as a monopoly. [h/t to Cuz BD] • Thu 2011 Jul 21, 5:35pm

My name is Angela. I am 28 years old, an Army wife, the mother of a darling little boy, and a recovering Useful Idiot for the Left. ... I went about my life, comfortable in my second- and third-hand assumptions; smug in my supposed intellectual superiority. And then something happened that I did not expect. ... • Thu 2011 Jul 21, 5:27pm

"Online learning means fewer teachers (and union members) per student," Terry Moe points out in The Wall Street Journal. And Greg Forster reminds the techno-innovators that "only school choice can prevent the blob from neutralizing any reform you throw at it." • Sat 2011 Jul 9, 4:17pm

Illinois will assess only reading and arithmetic now that high school juniors will no longer be tested on their writing skills during standardized exams every spring. [Soon, even reading and math will be gone, and only whether kids feel good about themselves will be tested.] • Sat 2011 Jun 25, 3:37pm

It's not surprising that it took me so long to discover the extent of my miseducation, because the last thing an elite education will teach you is its own inadequacy. As two dozen years at Yale and Columbia have shown me, elite colleges relentlessly encourage their students to flatter themselves for being there, and for what being there can do for them. • Fri 2011 Jun 24, 5:25pm

The California Federation of Teachers produced the perfect solution with "Trouble in the Hen House: A Puppet Show." To spare you the unpleasantness of reading this bilge, here's the basic plot: a bunch of hens feel "oppressed" by the farmer, so they band together and create Hens United. The angry unionized chickens are too powerful a force for the farmer to handle, so he capitulates to the hens' demands. • Wed 2011 Jun 8, 2:53pm

Many of the messages 29-year-old Jennifer Smith is accused of sending to students are just too graphic to outline. Police say she asked the five male students to erase the photos and the messages. • Sun 2011 Jun 5, 11:33am

In the 1960s, America's education schools began conditioning teachers to peddle impossible social and economic theories to captive human sponges in K-12 classrooms. Since then, teachers taken in by progressive indoctrination have been planting fallacies in students' minds using a pernicious device: the "deconstruction" of reality. • Sat 2011 May 28, 11:54am

Soquel High Senior Mikey Donnelly wore a white t-shirt for his senior class photo Tuesday. About 10 of his friends did the same. That decision may seem harmless. But Soquel High suspended Donnelly for three days because of it. Donnelly said the school told him people were offended and intimidated by his group, claiming they're a white supremacist gang. "I do think this is BS," says Donnelly. "I'm not a white supremacist in any way shape or form. If I did say white power, I would probably say it just as much as I say black power." He's not the only one upset. "I feel disrespected," says Soquel High Senior David Mine. Mine also wore a white t-shirt and was also suspended. He's missing out on finals and that could jeopardize his graduation. "I'm Asian," says Mine. "I don't see how I can be a white supremacist. I'm against it completely." • Fri 2011 May 27, 4:34pm

Twisting Twisterfor Dale and Tara Cameron and their six children, what they expected to be a warm welcome at nearby Del Crest Middle School instead turned dark and ugly as the Camerons were initially greeted with a firm "no" from the school's assistant principal Sheila Wilson. It was only after the entire Cameron family appeared at the door — storm clouds growing darker behind them — that Wilson "reluctantly" let the Camerons into the school cafeteria where Wilson's family and pets were safe and out of the approaching storms. ... • Wed 2011 May 25, 7:02pm

A Hartford teacher accused of forcing students to clean the classroom toilet with paper towels and a cleaner with bleach is on administrative leave. For two years, Catherine Saur required any student who used the bathroom to clean the toilets, even if they only went to the bathroom to wash their hands. .. [Mother] complained when her son had an allergic reaction to the cleaner and told her what his Kennelly School art teacher was requiring student to do in the bathroom of a portable classroom.... • Thu 2011 May 19, 9:58pm

A 12-year-old Dallas student was bound to a chair with duct tape and beaten by four classmates as a substitute teacher stood and ignored the attack • Thu 2011 May 19, 7:59am

a teacher found bags of heroin in the backpack of a 7-year-old student. ... 7-year-old kindergarten student cut his finger with a razor blade. His teacher started questioning him and discovered 18 suspected heroin stamp bags in his backpack and locker. ... told them he got the drugs from his father's bedroom. Police searched the boy's home, but did not find any drugs. The boy also said he gave heroin to three of his friends. ... • Thu 2011 May 19, 7:58am

Some students say Principal Kenney has been hypnotizing students for a couple of years, either in a classroom group setting or individually one-on-one. But school district officials say, while they were aware of Kenney's technique, his permission had limited use." "He was authorized to demonstrate in psychology class with parent permission," says Leatherman. Kenney reportedly had permission from Wesley's parents to use hypnosis on their son. "It's ridiculous to hold him responsible, to say because that child was hypnotized [and] he killed himself, that's just wrong," says parent Vincent Giacinto. • Tue 2011 May 17, 6:57am

Schools are helping teenage girls keep abortions secret from their parents. Imogen Neale reports. A mother is angry her 16-year-old daughter had a secret abortion arranged by a school counsellor. Helen, not her real name, found out about the termination four days after it had happened. "I was horrified. Horrified that she'd had to go through that on her own, and horrified her friends and counsellors had felt that she shouldn't talk to us," she said. She had suspected something was wrong, but her daughter insisted her tears were over everyday teenage dramas. • Tue 2011 May 17, 6:50am

An Ohio woman says a charter school is punishing her daughter for not immediately reporting that she saw two classmates having sex on a school bus and for changing her seat during the bus trip.... told her Friday that her daughter cannot attend the eighth-grade prom or picnic. The mother thinks that's unfair.... the two other students were suspended.... • Fri 2011 May 13, 8:37am

The family of Frankie Girard is claiming that their son's civil rights were violated after a teacher allegedly told him that hanging his picture of the American flag would offend another student. ... [Superintendent Dr. Paul Burnim said] nobody ever told Franklin the drawing was offensive, and said the only reason it wasn't hung was because Franklin was supposed to be doing other work; not drawing a picture. ... [Hmmmm] • Wed 2011 May 11, 12:51pm

instead of the usual way of asking her to the senior prom, Tate and two friends went to the high school campus in the middle of the night and posted 12-inch tall, cardboard letters on the outside of the building -- at the main entrance. The message that many saw when they arrived to school Friday, read: "Sonali Rodrigues, Will you go to prom with me? HMU Tate." She said yes. "It took a lot of effort," said Tate. He posted the letters, one at a time, in a "safe and thoughtful way" to avoid trouble. ... Because of what he did, Tate can't go to the prom. Tuesday, after meeting with his headmaster, Tate and his two friends were each given one-day, in-house suspensions and banned from the prom. Tate was told the administration felt what they did was a safety risk.... [If only we had zero tolerance for educator insanity]
