
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
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Displaying 121 - 132 of 132

Animals cannot develop souls as we have for personal continuation, but our companions live on in our souls.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Feb 22
Subjects: cats, pet

Since we moved back to the country almost 20 years ago, we've had dozens of cats. Started off after the first year when two barn cats gave us seven kittens.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Jan 19
Subjects: Buck the Cat, cats, Chicago

Just read, or mostly-read, 700 comments. Couldn't quit. Inspiring. Long time lurker first comment: wow.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Nov 7
Subjects: Charlie (cat), Election 2012, Life, mercy, sunrise

Our vet had a poster up listing all the things found in pets’ bellies (sometimes alive, sometimes not). I can imagine the rubber could cause problems, but apparently not. In any case, it’s hilarious to envision Nellie hiding the gloves, then bringing them out to play with when you’re gone. Envision Mrs & me LOL’ing as I read this to her, with new kitty in my lap.

As for cats with thumbs, have you seen YouTube: Cravendale – Cats with Thumbs?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Oct 8
Subjects: pet, cats

Wow. This thread is too busy for me to read all the comments, so I’ll just leave my own. :D

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 Oct 1
Subjects: animals, cats, pet

If you look closely, the tat on that dog's butt says "kick me."

Read all… Subjects: added on 2012 May 14
Subjects: dogs, pet

Chihuahuas can be loyal, tough little characters.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jul 19
Subjects: pet, dogs, chihuahua, inner strength

Unwind a wire coat hanger and use the pigtail end as a corkscrew.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 Jun 24
Subjects: Arlo and Janis, wine, pet

We live in an area where people (loosely defined) decide, "this is far enough out of town to dump our unwanted pet." If they survive the road, most seem to find their way to us.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2011 May 30
Subjects: animals, pet • Sat 2011 Feb 5, 1:13pm

Here's a beautiful story, linked from Drudge, and is now wide-spread, but in case you didn't see it, a family adopts the canine companion of the fallen Marine son.


People ponder precocious animals in children's illustrated reading primers.
Cat Dog Bun

Cartoon added on 1997 Dec 1
Subjects: cats, dogs, bunnies, animals, pet, children, reading, humor
Chris and Patches, Clubhouse, Jan 1997

Cats consider books a distraction.

Illustration added on 1997 Feb 3
Subjects: animals, cats, pet, reading
