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Go ask Alice - adventures through the mirror
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Puddleglum: Avatar was a horrible movie. I have never finished watching it. Its just awful.
you think the world is in bad shape? you think the nation is a mess? you should see my life.
but that doesn't mean I can't stop and enjoy moments between the hammerings.
Sources: SteveSpanglerScience, SciShow, ReasonTV, JewishNewsOne, AnnaAkana, definitiveproof, cieonmovies, standupcomicbooks, Numberphile, Vsauce
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 19
Subjects: 3D printing, anxiety, beach, digital future, dreams, fantasy, film, Freud, health, history, humor, murder, nightmare, science fiction, Superman, XKCD
Subjects: 3D printing, anxiety, beach, digital future, dreams, fantasy, film, Freud, health, history, humor, murder, nightmare, science fiction, Superman, XKCD
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And into the flier!
Cartoon added on 1997 Dec 12
Subjects: traffic, travel, fantasy, transmogrification, metamorphosis, destiny, fate
Subjects: traffic, travel, fantasy, transmogrification, metamorphosis, destiny, fate
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And into the flier!
Illustration added on 1997 Jun 27
Subjects: traffic, travel, fantasy, transmogrification, metamorphosis, destiny, fate
Subjects: traffic, travel, fantasy, transmogrification, metamorphosis, destiny, fate