For some time, I've threatened to write this up for the book thread. Now I've done it.
Addenda to How the Urantia Foundation Lost Their Copyright:
This will be the first tale in the Harry Potter series not to be penned by Rowling.
Soft ONT
Warm ONT
Little ball of
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday ev'ryboooooody!
Happy birthday song's free!
"BigFurHat is announcing his retirement. I’m done. I can’t work for the world and not be paid."
Chrissie, did you put those two photo-comparisons together? Whether you did nor not, they're great, thanks. The one with Gollum is just too close a resemblance.
Your reply wasn't threaded to mine, so I just found it.
Chrissy, I had been about to praise your cartooning skills, when I thought, oh, no, wait, wait, that caricature of the traitor in chief, with those ears on his neck, looks like Ramirez’ work.
Entrusted to a foundation…
Subjects: Urantia Moovement, Urantia Papers, Dr William F Sadler Sr, copyright, Urantia Foundation, revelation
from UB Comix #2, Apr 1991.
That which we call Pete Rose by any other name…