
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
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For this level of threat, I figure Dr. Doom would power up and get involved -Arbalest

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Nov 9
Subjects: Batman, continuity, Flash, superheroes and supervillains, Superman

Big flaming yellow ball rises above the curvature of the planet relative to my position of observation. Feline housemates threaten mayhem unless appeased with kibbles and a dab of tinned fish.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Oct 12
Subjects: cats, continuity, sunrise
Oh, am I back?
Turing Circuits

At least it has been simmering.

Cartoon added on 2013 May 5
Subjects: Turing test, continuity, humor, personality
mm hm
Turing Circuits

One foot in front of the other. Usually.

Cartoon added on 2013 May 5
Subjects: Turing test, continuity, humor

One foot in front of the other. Usually. Turing Circuits #7.

Cartoon added on 2013 Feb 6
Subjects: Turing test, humor, continuity
rotary phone dial
Short & Tall Tales

What were we talking about?

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