Total Takover of the Republic

Scary O
Like the IRS Private Army coming after you? Like the threat of total communications takeover? That's just pieces of the total planned takeover of the Republic. One may expect this to happen, regardless of the election. “President Obama has given himself the powers to declare martial law—especially in the event of a war with Iran. It is a sweeping power grab that should worry every American. …a flagrant violation of the Constitution. …in the case of a war or national emergency, the federal government has the authority to take over almost every aspect of American society. Food, livestock, farming equipment, manufacturing, industry, energy, transportation, hospitals, health care facilities, water resources, defense and construction—all of it could fall under the full control of Mr. Obama. He now possesses the potential powers of a dictator. The order is a direct assault on individual liberties, private property rights and the rule of law. It is blatantly unconstitutional.” —Alan Caruba at Canada Free Press [as blogheaped at my place]