The Politics of YouTube


FreeMarketAmerica released the video in response to Earth Day, which “fizzled badly” this year, in part because of the continued revelations regarding the hysteria rhetoric of Gaia catastrophists, and in part, I’m guessing, because people have other things to worry about, such as how to scrape together the money to pay for their mortgages, pay off their student loans, buy gas for their climate-destroying automobiles and oh my God will you freaking people please shut up? Because it went viral, I saw no need of posting it here . . . until Michelle Malkin and others were notified by the creators that YouTube has suspended their account ... Whether this was a matter that YouTube took up on its own volition, or whether it succumbed to lefty pressure is impossible to know without more information. Until I’m presented with evidence that this was an internal decision generated without any outside pressure, I’m inclined to give YouTube the benefit of the doubt.