Saxby Chambliss: The first shot at Osama bin Laden was a miss

U.S. commandos missed with their first shot at the world's most wanted man poked his head out of a third-floor room in his fortress.... U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee: "I hope they went in with the idea of killing him, not capturing him. We needed to take this guy out. And I know that's what the executive order said. "The other thing you have to remember is that this was pitch dark. When they got into the room with bin Laden, they already had to go through some other folks downstairs, two of which they killed. And they were having to use explosives to blow doors open. By the time they got to him, they didn't know what they would find. "They blew the door open, and they looked down the hallway and he stuck his head out of the room that he was in, and saw them, and ducked back in. They fired a shot, and missed him the first time — and then went to the room. And that's when they killed him. "They did in fact find an AK-47 and a pistol in bin Laden's room. Whether he was making any move to get to that is not clear. But taking him down in pitch-dark conditions was the right thing to do." ["...taking him down in pitch-dark conditions was the right thing to do."]