Numerology: number 11, keep seeing 11:11, look at clock and see same numbers, numerology software, program, master number, karmic debt number, numerology software, master numbers

It's possible you have prominent "11," or "22" (11+11=22) in your comprehensive natal and, or timing charts. Perhaps you are transiting through some key related timing. Or, it could be purely a subconscious attachment to the numbers for any number of reasons. For example, maybe years ago during an important event, even viewing a particular circumstance in a movie or TV show, you happened to look at the time and saw 11:11. The number was burned into your subconscious and your unconscious now associates a particular event with that time/number. All memories, consciously known or not, are stored in your subconscious. Therefore, this is a very personal issue you're asking about, which would require a lot of analysis.