Leftist Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center Libels Pamela Geller as a Racist

But despite those historic Republican gains, the early signs suggest that even as the more mainstream political right strengthens, the radical right has remained highly energized. In an 11-day period this January, a neo-Nazi was arrested headed for the Arizona border with a dozen homemade grenades; a terrorist bomb attack on a Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade in Spokane, Wash., was averted after police dismantled a sophisticated anti-personnel weapon; and a man who officials said had a long history of antigovernment activities was arrested outside a packed mosque in Dearborn, Mich., and charged with possessing explosives with unlawful intent. That's in addition, the same month, to the shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, an attack that left six dead and may have had a political dimension. [I thought I had the SPLC's number but even I was stunned by the depth of the meadow muffins in the paragraph beginning "But despite those historic Republican gains...." Dumbfounding as the first three perverted examples were, they outdid themselves and 'most everybody else with their weasel-worded insinuated reinforcement of the Sarah Shot Gabby meme!]