Is the State Department setting the stage for a Mexican Civil War?

We have the apparent sale by a State Department directorate of some very serious firepower to a nest of cutthroat bushwhackers that go by the handle of "Las Zetas", flown out of an Airport in the Dallas area that just happens to be the same airport used by DEA Flight operations. ... What the map lays out are the routes used to airship the weapons to the border, where they are staged for ground shipment into Mexico.... "Phil Jordan, a former CIA operative, told the El Paso Times that the Zetas drug organization might be planning to disrupt Mexico's 2012 elections or use the weapons to fight other cartels...." CIA analysts say the weapons, which are purchased from the U.S. Government according to captured Zeta leader Jesus Enrique Rejon Aguilar, aka. El Mamito, are being stockpiled throughout Mexico for a potential upcoming overthrow of the Mexican government in 2012. ... So just where is all this leading? We have several either rogue agencies or at least rogue elements within said agencies ( I really hope it's the latter) delivering military grade weapons to narco-terrorists such as the Zetas that may be planning to disrupt elections and overthrow the Mexican government. The Zetas are capable of doing this, their core cadre are ex-Mexican Special Forces, more on them here. If I were a Conspiracy Theorist I would be tempted to say, that it just may be that the next "Crisis not to waste" will be a full blown civil war along our southern border.