Confessions of a Birther Evangelist

When discussing or debating the Birther issues with a newbie, in addition to a transfer education in law, the Constitution, the jurisprudencial system, and history, I frequently am a witness to the real-time acting out of the Kübler-Ross behavioral model of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.... Discussions with actual politicos, such as direct talks with Congressman Brian Bilbray, are particularly revealing, in that one presupposes that once the facts are discussed, there is a presumption that the revelation of truths will result in a commensurately engaged moral action. But this is not so. ... In the end, Birtherism would not be a big deal at all, if it weren't for the fact that we have nearly an entire executive branch engaged in the office of running guns to drug cartels in Mexico -- arguably an act of war, starting and perpetuating a war in Libya without congressional consent, "borrowing" billions of funds from the Federal Employees Pension Fund so as not to violate a debt ceiling that is already being violated, running election campaigns out of the White House, not enforcing polling place protection laws from Panther thugs, circumventing fed fund restrictions to abortion clinics, arranging Wall Street payouts to unions for stocks created out of thin air -- and probably more.