Broken glass and piles of used Haitian drug needles

I hope this isn't some type of internal coping mechanism and I'm just fooling myself, but I actually believe these skewed polls are to our benefit.

Many (most?) of the "people" who voted for Obama in 2008 will never admit to themselves that they made a mistake, and many will verbally state they still support him...if asked directly (especially to a faceless voice on the phone).

However, this MSM drumbeat gives them ready-made rationale for not making it to the station to vote ("Of course I wan't Obama to win, I didn't make a mistake, but he doesn't need my vote to win anyway....CNN says it's in the bag".

On the other hand, Conservatives are ready to crawl through broken glass and piles of used Haitian drug needles to vote against Obama....regardless of the MSM fantasies.