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Scary Science

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Jean Périer, Blacklisted News • Mon 2016 Sep 19, 6:32pm

…In 2011, Cynthia was unleashed in the Gulf of Mexico and at initial stages of its life it was absorbing oil slicks with a breathtaking speed. In January, 2011 the Register reported that that scientists were particularly impressed by the speed with which the bacteria was eating up its “meal”.

But then this bacteria mutated and soon it was feeding on organic lifeforms. Strange reports started coming from the US, like five thousand birds falling victims of an “unknown disease” in Arkansas, or more that a hundred thousand of dead fish found off the coast of North Louisiana. It was also reported that a total of 128 British Petroleum employees that participated in the liquidation of the oil slick were struck by some mysterious illness. According to various sources they were forbidden to seek relief in public hospitals, to prevent them from talking to anyone about what has happened to them……

Real, not a Michael Crighton fiction.~
Karl D. Stephan, Mercatornet • Wed 2016 Jun 8, 11:31am

…In "The Human Genome Project—Write," the 25 co-authors announced their intention to synthesize a human genome from scratch. In layman's terms, they are saying that they are going to design a human being.… If you go all the way and try implanting it into a womb, you will learn a lot more about how your product performs, but at the risk of causing the woman to give birth to a baby with no parents—just a computer program. At the same time, the risk of deformities or other abnormalities in the baby thus created will be very great. So we have many of the moral issues associated with stem-cell research coming up with this project as well, only more so.…

Kristan Hawkins, Life News • Sat 2015 Apr 18, 8:28pm

Researchers in Hawaii are recruiting girls as young as 14 to participate in second trimester abortions, where the preborn baby is 18-24 weeks gestation, in order to test whether or not oxytocin can reduce bleeding in mothers during and after abortion.…

Daily Mail (UK) • Thu 2012 Apr 5, 8:06pm

Mind-bending ‘psychotronic’ guns that can effectively turn people into zombies have been given the go-ahead by Russian president Vladimir Putin.

[h/t Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at Ace of Spades]

Entropy, at Ace of Spades • Tue 2012 Mar 13, 1:24pm

206 I love this singularity bubkis. Computer technology is advancing so fast, yadda yadda yadda.

The logic has not changed since they were invented. We're still playing out all the variations on the same thing, is all, it's still rather infant.

Computer technology has advanced in much the same way internal combustion technology has advanced. Cars keep getting faster and faster and faster... soon no doubt they will develop conciousness and rebel against their human masters.

Um no, it's just a car. Obviously that's silly. But with computers, lots of people assert we're somehow getting closer to conciousness, based on the fact that we are getting calculators to do basic arithmetic faster. • Fri 2011 Aug 19, 5:00pm

reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim. Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth's atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control — and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain. [AND THE ALIENS ALL VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS? Sheesh!] • Sun 2011 Aug 7, 1:05pm

Quite a whopper of a claim -- human actions rivaling the asteroid strike that waylaid the dinosaurs. The "Humans as Gods" belief is a nice carryover from the global change wars that raged for decades. ... The upshot is that scientists are speculating based on very incomplete data and records. This is what passes for modern doomsday science. But gloomy scientists have an ace up their sleeve. They're citing Haiti as a prime example of humans' ability to devastate the animal kingdom. ... Never mind that Haiti is a grossly dysfunctional, poverty-wrenched society occupying a portion of a small Caribbean island. And never mind that frog species on Haiti's side of the island are dying off in no small measure due to a fungus brought by African frogs. Haiti, suggest biologists, is the world's future. Hubris, thy name is modern science • Mon 2011 Mar 21, 8:12pm

That reputable scientist, Ann Coulter, recently wrote a genuinely irresponsible and dishonest column on radiation hormesis. She claims we shouldn't worry about the damaged Japanese reactors because they'll make the locals healthier! With the terrible earthquake and resulting tsunami that...