Blog Heap o'Links
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Only Natural

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CBD, Ace of Spades • Sun 2016 Aug 7, 4:50pm

First We Made Fire! But It May Have Come With Some Downsides.

The link is real. It's not a clever spoof. Although it is hard to believe that even the employees of the gray Lady are this stupid.

Alex, Weird Universe • Fri 2016 Aug 5, 9:52pm

In 1960, scientists with the poultry research branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that they had successfully created a chicken-turkey hybrid. They called the new bird a "churk."…
…They suffered from mental retardation… They were mostly silent… feathers grew twisted.… crooked legs or beaks…

Should have tried for a Turducken
Philip Carl Salzman, Middle East Forum • Tue 2016 Aug 2, 1:18pm

…This intellectual revolution has infected anthropology (among many fields) with a dangerous, self-contradictory nihilism that rejects the possibility of objective Truth toward which we may move and posits many different truths held by different peoples — all equally valid. Yet they behave as if their belief in many truths must be treated as The Truth that must not be questioned.

Anthropologists insist on the relativity of knowledge, except when it comes to their own statements, which they take to be The Absolute Truth.…

Ollie Gillman, Mail (UK) • Tue 2016 Aug 2, 9:43am

An asteroid set to narrowly miss Earth could cause 'immense suffering and death' years later if its orbit is changed when it passes dangerously near to our planet. …called Bennu…crosses Earth's orbit once every six years… set to pass between the moon and our planet in 2135.

Scientists are worried the 500-metre wide asteroid's orbit could be tweaked by Earth's gravity as it passes by, causing it to smash into our planet later in the century.…

Stephanie Dutchen, Harvard • Sat 2016 Jul 30, 7:05pm

…Conducting the first large-scale, genome-wide analyses of ancient human remains from the Near East, an international team led by Harvard Medical School has illuminated the genetic identities and population dynamics of the world’s first farmers.

The study reveals three genetically distinct farming populations living in the Near East at the dawn of agriculture 12,000 to 8,000 years ago: two newly described groups in Iran and the Levant and a previously reported group in Anatolia, in what is now Turkey.

The findings… also suggest that agriculture spread in the Near East at least in part because existing groups invented or adopted farming technologies, rather than because one population replaced another.…

Alice Klein, New Scientist • Wed 2016 Jul 27, 11:31am

…An unknown hominin species that bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia has been identified through genome mapping of living humans.

The genome analysis also questions previous findings that modern humans populated Asia in two waves from their origin in Africa, finding instead a common origin for all populations in the Asia-Pacific region, dating back to a single out-of-Africa migration event.…

Natalia Klimczak, Ancient Origins • Fri 2016 Jul 22, 5:24pm

…Archaeologists in Texas have found a set of 16,700-year-old tools which are among the oldest discovered in the West. Until now, it was believed that the culture that represented the continent’s first inhabitants was the Clovis culture. However, the discovery of the ancient tools now challenges that theory, providing evidence that human occupation precedes the arrival of the Clovis people by thousands of years.…

Keiligh Baker, Mail (UK) • Tue 2016 Jul 19, 11:45pm

Groundbreaking radio telescope has discovered 1,300 galaxies in the sky
It discovered them in small area where only 70 had previously been spotted
South Africa's MeerKAT radio telescope will eventually boast 64 receptors
When it spotted the galaxies the system was only working at a quarter of its eventual capacity

Jason Daley, Smithsonian • Tue 2016 Jul 12, 2:21pm

Mission to Mariana Trench Records Dozens of Crazy Deep Sea Creatures

The Okeanos Explorer has spent three months mapping the seafloor and recording deep sea life in the ocean's depths…

Yahoo / AP • Sat 2016 Jul 9, 4:22pm

Imagine a planet with triple sunrises and sunsets every day for part of the year, and nonstop daylight at other times.

Astronomers revealed such a place Thursday: a strange new world in the Constellation Centaurus that has not one, not two, but three suns. What's more, a year there lasts half a millennium from Earth's perspective.…

Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart • Tue 2016 Jul 5, 3:11pm

…The Juno spacecraft, which will orbit Jupiter from pole-to-pole and study the gas giant from a relatively low altitude, was launched nearly five years ago, in August 2011. It hurtled through the solar system before arriving near the largest planet Monday evening, firing up its engines, and switching its orbit from the sun to the gas giant.…

Rebecca Martinson, BroBible • Wed 2016 Jun 29, 8:58pm

…which country should you live in if you’re looking to motorboat the biggest natural breasts possible? According to a recent study published in The Journal of Female Health Sciences, that prestigious award goes to the United Fuckin’ States of America…

Abigail Beall, Mail (UK) • Mon 2016 Jun 27, 10:21pm

…Nasa's New Horizons probe flew close to Pluto last year, revealing clues the dwarf planet might once have had a liquid ocean sloshing around under its icy crust.

The ocean, which may have hosted alien life, was thought to have frozen over millions of years ago.

But new analysis shows the ocean beneath the surface is still liquid now - raising hopes that signs of life could yet be discovered on the dwarf planet.…

Peter Brannen, The Atlantic • Sat 2016 Jun 25, 2:18pm

Is Middle America Due For a Huge Earthquake?
In the early 19th century, a series of massive quakes rocked Missouri. Some experts predict that the state could be in for another round of violent shaking, while others warn that a big quake could strike elsewhere in the center of the continent.…

V-Sauce, YouTube • Wed 2016 Jun 15, 10:20pm
Excellent video on time as we measure it and how we travel through space. 21:36
Karl D. Stephan, Mercatornet • Wed 2016 Jun 8, 11:31am

…In "The Human Genome Project—Write," the 25 co-authors announced their intention to synthesize a human genome from scratch. In layman's terms, they are saying that they are going to design a human being.… If you go all the way and try implanting it into a womb, you will learn a lot more about how your product performs, but at the risk of causing the woman to give birth to a baby with no parents—just a computer program. At the same time, the risk of deformities or other abnormalities in the baby thus created will be very great. So we have many of the moral issues associated with stem-cell research coming up with this project as well, only more so.…

Tyrannosaurus Rex
Matthew Mueller, • Tue 2016 May 31, 7:49pm

…In most cases, the dinosaurs would have needed lips to protect their teeth, as the majority of them weren't water dwelling creatures. They would have had scaly lips, just like reptiles such as the monitor lizard.

“It’s also important to remember that teeth would have been partially covered by gums. If we look at where the enamel stops, we can see that a substantial portion of the teeth would be hidden in the gums. The teeth would have appeared much smaller on a living animal." Reisz concluded: “In popular culture, we imagine dinosaurs as more ferocious-looking, but that is not the case.”…

Edwin Cartlidge, Nature • Fri 2016 May 27, 11:37am

A laboratory experiment in Hungary has spotted an anomaly in radioactive decay that could be the signature of a previously unknown fifth fundamental force of nature, physicists say – if the finding holds up.…

Not that I have a clue what they're saying they've discovered!
Dan Falk, Wired • Sat 2016 May 21, 9:05pm

…the Bohmian view of quantum mechanics—less fuzzy but in some ways more strange than the traditional view—may be poised for a comeback.…

Intriguing… not that I have a clue what this is all about.
Rob Verger, Fox News • Thu 2016 May 19, 3:03pm

… found in present-day Utah. …new species of dinosaur— a large, horned, herbivorous creature that could have been anywhere from 19 to 26 feet long and weighed in at one to two tons. …named Machairoceratops cronusi, … thought to have lived about 77 million years ago.…

Maddie Stone, Gizmodo • Wed 2016 May 11, 11:00am

…Their analysis revealed that atmospheric pressure 2.7 billion years ago was at most only half of its present value—a result that flies in the face of our understanding of the Earth during the Archaean period. … Now, scientists have to figure out what it means. … suggests something dramatic took place about three billion years ago to reduce the size of the atmosphere. And Som has a hunch as to what that something might be. … Other geochemical evidence suggests that around 3.2 billion years ago, bacteria developed mechanisms for transforming atmospheric nitrogen (N2 gas) into ammonia (NH3), a biologically-useful form. … nitrogen fixation, was utterly essential to the evolution of complex life. Without it, plants and animals would have no way of accessing the nitrogen our cells need to build proteins and DNA. Essentially, Som and others suspect that the ability to strip-mine the atmosphere for nitrogen caused air pressure to take a temporary nosedive.…

All part of the plan.
Jon Austin, Express (UK) • Wed 2016 May 11, 9:51am

…Timothy Morton, associate research scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey, said: "We have discovered 1,284 new planets - the most explanets ever announced at one time."

It more than doubles the previous amount of exoplanets found by the Kepler Telescope, taking the total number to 2,325.

It comes after NASA said they now also believe every star in space has at least one planet orbiting it, further increasing the chance of life evolving somewhere. …

The universe was created to be inhabited!
The New Observer • Mon 2016 May 9, 10:35am

The evolutionary “out of Africa” theory—which holds that humans evolved in Africa and split off on different evolutionary paths as they migrated away from that continent—has been given yet another jolt by new DNA studies which have called the dating behind the belief into question.… involves measurements of the rate at which children show DNA changes not seen in their parents—the so-called “mutation rate”… authors calculate the last common ancestor for human mitochondrial lineages to around 160,000 years ago.…

Kim LaCapria, Snopes • Wed 2016 Apr 27, 4:39pm

…NASA space weather analyst Leila Mays told us that the 23 April readings weren't the result of normal fluctuations in any case, but rather a software glitch that led to erroneous simulations…

Superstation95 • Wed 2016 Apr 27, 4:37pm

Apr 23: A stunning and terrifying event has taken place in space surrounding our planet; for two hours today, earth's "Magnetosphere" COLLAPSED around the entire planet! …

Terrifying potential if true.
Brandon Darby, Breitbart • Sun 2016 Apr 24, 10:46pm

A recent West Texas thunderstorm sparked a raging inferno at an oil storage facility near Ozona, Texas. The location was so remote that it took over 30 minutes for firefighters to arrive.… …

Raw Video: 3:15
Sputnik News • Tue 2016 Apr 19, 7:41pm

The Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico erupted overnight, sending lava flying as far as a mile away from the mountain… There are approximately 25 million people who live within 62 miles, or 100 kilometers, of the active volcano.…

Blazing Cat Fur • Tue 2016 Apr 19, 2:13pm
Videos of aftermath in Japan, as it happened in Ecuador
PragerU, YouTube • Mon 2016 Apr 18, 8:23pm

Climate change is an urgent topic of discussion among politicians, journalists and celebrities...but what do scientists say about climate change? Does the data validate those who say humans are causing the earth to catastrophically warm? Richard Lindzen, an MIT atmospheric physicist and one of the world's leading climatologists, summarizes the science behind climate change.

Video: 5:04
Michael Snyder, DC Clothesline • Mon 2016 Apr 18, 3:02pm

… volcanic activity all over the planet is rising. 38 volcanoes are erupting at the moment, and it seems like we hear about another new eruption almost every day now.

But let us hope that Yellowstone does not erupt any time soon.…

Signs point to maybe or maybe not, but still good for clickbait.
