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Investors Business Daily • Tue 2018 Oct 9, 7:42pm

If you care about global warming, you must like wind power, right? But what if wind power itself ends up contributing to a warmer climate? That appears to be the case, according to a new study.…

James Delingpole, Breitbart • Sun 2018 Jul 1, 3:37pm

…Green recycling policy is killing the oceans with plastic pollution…

Well, it's really that what is supposed to be being recycled just isn't.
Smiling Trump
President Donald J. Trump, Twitter • Sat 2018 Jun 30, 12:23pm

Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that, because of the turmoil & disfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference...Prices to high! He has agreed!

But, but, typo! Prices TOO high. What an idiot.
Investors Business Daily • Thu 2018 Jun 7, 6:41pm

…The New York Times recently reported that, unknown to most families who spend hours separating garbage into little recycling bins, much of the stuff ends up in a landfill anyway.

One big reason: China has essentially shut the door to U.S. recyclables.…

Yuge scam
Investors Business Daily • Sat 2018 Jun 2, 8:05am

…evidence is piling up that recycling is a waste of time and money, and a bit of a fraud.…

Has been for a long time. Now it's getting worse.
Tom Servo, Ace of Spades • Thu 2018 Apr 26, 8:29am

One of the stories about Venezuela that is darkly comic, out in the last couple of weeks, is that now thousands of oilfield workers, including almost all at the professional level, are fleeing the country with little more than the clothes on their backs. Reason? Maduro's answer to dropping oil production and problems in that sector was to arrest a lot of the people running it, and to place a General in charge who knew absolutely nothing about the oil industry. The General's answer to failing equipment and declining production was to bring his goon squads and threaten to shoot anyone who didn't make production go back up again. Surprise, surprise, everyone who has even the slightest bit of expertise is running away as fast as they can.

To run some of the refineries that don't have enough workers anymore, the General has sent in 20 year old illiterates with guns, and the only solution they know to something going wrong is to either yell at it or shoot it. Yep, that's a good way to stop that refinery from exploding.

Tom Servo, Ace of Spades • Thu 2018 Apr 26, 8:07am

…the real reason that prices are rising - Venezuelan oil output is crashing, badly…

So this guy says. Provided no link.
Austin Prickett, OKC Fox • Sat 2018 Mar 31, 1:51pm

WEATHERFORD, Okla. (KOKH) — A wind turbine caught fire, causing a grass fire… March 28… two miles south of Weatherford caught fire, throwing sparks to the ground. …caused a grass fire that was contained after growing to approximately five acres. Eight fire engines responded to the scene and were able to contain the fire.…

Lots of problems with grassfires during the current drought. Windmills? Endangered avians. Endangered prairie. Endangered firefighters. Negative return on investment. We can't get rid of these mega windmills fast enough!!
Mike Coppock, Tulsa World • Mon 2018 Jan 29, 6:15pm

“If Hillary Clinton had won, I would have to have shut down,” says Clay Hartley, owner of Phoenix Coal Mining in Vinita [OK]…

Okla Flag
Javier Blas, Mark Shenk, Bloomberg • Sat 2016 Dec 17, 4:32pm

For OPEC, there are few enemies more fearsome than the tiny Oklahoma town of Cushing.…

Heh. Trigger warning: links to Bloomberg
Thomas Lifson, American Thinker • Thu 2016 Dec 8, 7:16pm

…the never-ending quest for new technologies has yielded a potentially revolutionary replacement or substitute for fracking: microwaving shale to extract oil and gas.…

Jen Lawrence, Breitbart • Mon 2016 Sep 5, 8:24pm

…Four private security guards and police dogs were injured when they were confronted by hundreds of protesters outside of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. Tribal spokesman Sitting Bear reported that six protesters—including one child—had been bitten by security dogs. Sitting Bear also indicated that at least thirty protesters had been pepper-sprayed during the encounter. However, according to local law enforcement, no injuries of protesters had been reported, and no arrests were made.…

Whoever brought the child was particularly irresponsible!
Nikki Ferlaino, KFOR • Wed 2016 Aug 31, 11:18am

The Oklahoma Corporation Commission released a statement Tuesday that Magellan Midstream Partners has issued a recall on gasoline containing high levels of ethanol.…

Any amount jof ethanol is unacceptably high
Jennifer A. Dlouhy, Bloomberg / Examiner-Enterprise • Sun 2016 Jul 31, 9:25pm

More than a decade after conservationists helped persuade Congress to require adding corn-based ethanol and other biofuels to gasoline, some groups regret the resulting agricultural runoff in waterways and conversion of prairies to cropland — improving the odds that lawmakers might seek changes to the program next year.…

Paul Monies, NewsOK • Sun 2016 May 22, 7:22pm

…airport boom is underway in southwest Oklahoma …state law passed last year that put in siting regulations on wind turbines… said the turbines had to be at least 1.5 nautical miles — 9,100 feet — from a school, hospital or airport.… Rural landowners who don't want wind developments nearby are using the law to push the turbines back. Privately, some wind industry representatives accuse them of blocking wind farms with what they call "shamports.…"

Big Fur Hat, IOTW Report • Mon 2016 Apr 25, 8:30pm

Wanna see where the lithium for all the greenies electric cars comes from?…

Photo illustration
Michelle's Mirror • Mon 2016 Apr 18, 3:09pm

…And like Socialism, with absolutely no evidence that it actually works, your government will keep doubling down on the failed ideals of green energy. With your money!…

Great list of failed subsidized "green" energy companies.
Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge • Sat 2016 Apr 16, 12:33pm

…Because as ports struggle to cope with a global oil glut, huge queues of supertankers have formed in some of the world's busiest sea lanes, where some 200 million barrels of crude lies waiting to be loaded or delivered, Reuters reports today.

The vessels, filled with oil worth around $7.5 billion at current market prices, would stretch for almost 40 km (25 miles) if formed up in one straight line.…

In 1939 the US Department of the Interior said that American oil supplies would last only another 13 years.…
In 1949 the Secretary of the Interior announced that the end of US oil was in sight.…
-Great Moments in Failed Predictions
Adam Wilmoth, Examiner-Enterprise • Fri 2016 Apr 15, 7:30pm

An oil-field waste product that poses environmental challenges and is linked to earthquakes could become a valuable economic resource if the efforts of Oklahoma State University researchers are successful.

Biosystems and agricultural engineering professor Nurhan Dunford and her team have spent much of the past five years developing strains of algae that can be turned into biofuels and feedstocks for food or medicines. The researchers also are using the algae to clean water contaminated by agriculture and oil production.…

Alatheia Larsen, mrc News Busters • Fri 2016 Mar 18, 7:02pm

…a solar energy project in Nevada is creating a lethal solar flux that singes, blinds, and even vaporizes birds.… Video shows that in early 2015, at least 115 birds disintegrated as they flew into the project’s solar flux during a testing period…

Chris Day, Examiner-Enterprise • Wed 2016 Feb 3, 2:02pm

U.S. Sen. James Lankford wants to phase out federal renewable energy production tax credits by 2031, making 2019 the last year to apply for a credit. The Oklahoma Republican offered an amendment to the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016 on the Senate floor Wednesday.…

Good for Lankford!
Leslie Rangel, KFOR • Sun 2016 Jan 10, 12:56pm

…"The notion that the governor and commission aren't doing anything isn't accurate. It's not fair," said Chad Warmington, president of the Oklahoma Oil and Gas Association.

Warmington said, for some time, they have been cooperating with the state in an effort to slow down the quakes.

"There's nothing to hide, and there's nothing we can hide. We report it daily. The commission has it all," Warmington said. "They requested it because, again, they're trying to get their arms around okay, if we have seismic activity in a certain area, let's go back and see if we can't have a correlation to certain injection activity at certain wells to certain distances."…

Joe Wertz, StateImpact • Mon 2015 Nov 30, 10:37pm

…Once it’s injected, these disposal wells transport waste fluid from the surface deep underground, often into the Arbuckle formation.

This formation is popular — and poorly understood. But scientists, state officials and the oil and gas industry are in a rush to figure it out…

Earthquake • Tue 2015 Jun 23, 6:11pm

"What we've learned in this study is that the fluid injection responsible for most of the recent quakes in Oklahoma is due to production and subsequent injection of massive amounts of wastewater, and is unrelated to hydraulic fracturing," said Zoback, the Benjamin M. Page Professor in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences.

Joe Wertz, State Impact • Thu 2015 Jun 4, 10:30pm

Takeaways From Oklahoma Earthquake Research…

3. Most disposal wells aren’t triggering earthquakes…

Okla Flag
Fuel Fix / AP • Fri 2015 May 15, 7:44pm

The Oklahoma Senate has given unanimous approval to a pair of bills that will end two separate tax subsidies for the wind industry in Oklahoma.…

Nathan Thompson, Examiner-Enterprise • Thu 2015 Mar 19, 8:50pm

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla, introduced on Wednesday the “American Energy Renaissance Act” that would rollback or end several federal regulations on the nation’s oil and gas industry.

The proposed legislation, introduced into the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, would leave the regulation of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to the states rather than the federal government.

Additionally, the proposed legislation would speed up the permitting process for new refineries, phase out and repeal the Renewable Fuel Standards over five years, end federal regulation of greenhouse gases that have been linked to global climate change, open up national reserves in Alaska and Native American reservations for oil and coal production, and immediately approve the Keystone pipeline, among others.…

Tim Cavanaugh, Wash Examiner • Thu 2015 Mar 5, 8:41pm

…“My heart goes out to the people of Boston,” Levin, who is also president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, told the Washington Examiner Thursday. “It’s obvious their political leaders don’t care that they have been suffering so much this winter. They want to make energy more expensive and keep people freezing and miserable. I am hoping to start this movement in the coldest areas, the bluest areas. I want to encourage people to drive their cars more often, keep their lights on, and use more energy, which is what gives us life.”…

Okla Flag
Morgan Brennan & Justin Solomon, CNBC • Thu 2015 Mar 5, 4:22pm

Cushing, Oklahoma, 70 miles northeast of Oklahoma City, is a sleepy town with a population just under 8,000. It's also the intense focus of every major player in the American oil market right now.

North American crude oil is pouring into Cushing, where dozens of steel storage tanks fan out from the outskirts of town, tank farms that march on for miles and connect to every major oil patch in North America through an maze of pipelines. Cushing's nickname is "The Pipeline Crossroads of the World." …

But with WTI prices plunging by half since last summer, more crude has been coming into Cushing since late 2014 than has been flowing out. And storage capacity has been filling up—fast.

Bald Eagle
Brian Stallard, Nature World News • Tue 2015 Mar 3, 3:46pm

"…the last thing you'd likely expect is for a new experimental array to literally light nearly 130 birds in mid-flight on fire. And yet, that's exactly what happened near Tonopah, Nevada last month during tests of the 110-megawatt Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Project. …"

[Actually, that's just what anyone who's been paying attention would expect.]
