Blog Heap o'Links
Just random links galore
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Blog Heap o'Links filed under the Blog Heading of

Breitbart is Here

Displaying 601 - 630 of 2627
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sat 2016 Nov 12, 11:13am

… On this day in 1970 the Oregon Highway Division attempted to destroy a rotting beached Sperm whale with dynamite. But the people planting dynamite did not know a whole lot about dynamite. They planted a half-ton of dynamite on the whale. Result. . .whale blubber everywhere and a very large chunk of whale still left. A laughing actor could be heard in the background; "you think you used enough dynamite there Butch?"

Vic's news headline links start here today - gotta catch 'em all!
Vic, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Nov 11, 11:06am

Well here is moar nooos

RIP Leonard Cohen at 82.

Vic adds his headline news links, starting here
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Nov 11, 10:53am

…Good morning all. On this day 98 years ago, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, the guns of August fell silent after four long, brutal years of the Great War. To all of you who have worn and continue to wear the uniform, the words "thank you for your service" are completely inadequate to express our gratitude.…

JJ's select news headline links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Nov 10, 11:43am

And since JJ was so puny this morning I will go ahead and put in my links…

Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Thu 2016 Nov 10, 11:40am

…Went out to dinner last night and came home with some sort of food poisoning.…

Hence, a short list of news headline links today.
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Wed 2016 Nov 9, 11:13am

…EVIL NEVER RESTS. As sweet and wonderful as last night was and still is, we did not defeat the Left. We merely put a four- to eight-year halt to the 100-year counterrevolution.…

JJ's select news headline links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Nov 8, 10:40am

I'm going to go ahead and post my stuff because hard time typing.

DHS again warning of hackers impacting the election. Could they be setting the stage to overturn the results of the election? Ten years ago I would have dismissed this as "black helicopter" thinking, but no more.…

Vic's news links & commentary for Election Day start here
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Nov 8, 10:33am

That Sinking Feeling? Clinton Drops Below 270 EV Threshold as Trump Rises in OH, UT, ME…
Rush: "This Election Defies Traditional Analysis"…
Govt. Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by Nearly 10 Million…

JJ's news headline links for Day Zero
Vic, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Nov 7, 10:38am

…And yes, the Wikileaks e-mails show Scankles took bribes in a tit-for-tat smoking gun.…

Vic's "more noose" starts here
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Nov 7, 10:30am

Janet Reno Dead at 78…
McAuliffe Pardons 60,000 Felons In Attempt to Throw Virginia to Clinton…
Ambush Killiing of Cops Up 167% This Year…

JJ's final news headline links report… before the election.
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sun 2016 Nov 6, 10:24am

…On this day in 1935 Edwin Armstrong presented his paper "A Method of Reducing Disturbances in Radio Signaling by a System of Frequency Modulation" to the New York section of the Institute of Radio Engineers. This became the basis for FM radio which had better music capability than AM radio. Back when I was young FM radio was largely used for nothing but classical music because it was thought that they should make use of the better signal than pop music. It didn't take long for that to go away though.

If you can catch no other news, stick to Vic. 100% of your daily recommended headlines with snark.
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sat 2016 Nov 5, 11:20am

… On this day in 1605 Guy Fawkes was arrested in what has become known as the Gunpowder Plot. He and a group of English Catholics has conspired to blow up the House of Lords and the King with 36 barrels of gunpowder located under the House of Lords.… Today is also Sadie Hawkins day…

Vic's news - a reason to get up on a Saturday morning.
Note from the blog-heaper: Between technical difficulties and other demanding projects, blog-heaping got short shrift for a couple of days. I probably won't try to get caught up on all the regular links, much less the hundreds of news stories, but I will try to get to some of the backlog as well as current stuff. Technical difficulties permitting.
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Tue 2016 Nov 1, 10:57am

The Long War: School Choice On the Ballot in Georgia…
Uh Oh: War With ChiComs Over Nork Nuke Nightmare?…

JJ's select top-o-th-news headline links
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Mon 2016 Oct 31, 11:33pm

Weiner Probe Lays Bare Internal FBI Feud While Revealing 650,000 New E-Mails…
Water Is Wet Dept.: Harry Reid Is Scum…
Election Rigging Is Crazy Talk, Except When Hillary Calls For It…

Spooky news headline links - but they usually are.
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sun 2016 Oct 30, 6:03pm

…On this day in 1961 Joseph Stalin's body was ordered removed from its place of honor inside Lenin's tomb and buried near the Kremlin Wall with a plain granite marker instead. The renunciation of Stalin had begun.…

Vic collects the news by sticking pins in it
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Sat 2016 Oct 29, 7:04pm

The FBI has reopened its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s misuse of classified emails, throwing her campaign into disarray. New evidence about her emails emerged when the Bureau started its investigation of the serial sexter Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin’s estranged husband. The tabloids have now dusted off their Weiner quips and recycled them. The wags at The New York Post won the coveted Bodissey Prize for their boffo headline: “Dickileaks: FBI Reopens E-Mail Case — STROKING GUN Weiner sext probe found dirt on Hill”.

The last week of the campaign is shaping up to be the most entertaining yet.…

News summaries with links
Nightmouse, Blazing Cat Fur • Sat 2016 Oct 29, 4:58pm

Yale student survey results: Conservative views ‘unwelcome’ on campus…
CNN Panel Triggered After Guest Mentions Voter Fraud…
Massive Attack: One thing your router needs now to keep hackers out…

News summaries with links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Sat 2016 Oct 29, 3:39pm

A Kuwaiti-sponsored gated community a few miles west of Sarajevo in Bosnia does not allow any locals to enter unless they are servants. The locals, even the Muslims, are unhappy — they say the community is populated mainly by the wives and children of the sheikhs in Kuwait, who rarely visit.

In other news, Norway will receive its first migrants from the EU this week. Even though it is not a member of the EU, Norway voluntarily accepted its quota of migrants.…

News summaries with links
Bookworm • Sat 2016 Oct 29, 3:34pm

Scott Adams, who’s called this election season with amazing accuracy, has written what may be his most important post to date. In it, he calls out the bullies that populate the Clinton camp. Unsurprisingly, Adams has lots of stories about bullying from the Left, including car keying, sign stealing, public shaming, and even job loss. But that’s business as usual on the Left. This is what really gets Adams’ goat…

Bruce Kesler, Maggie's Farm • Sat 2016 Oct 29, 3:30pm

Palestinians: Jihadi-Style Child Abuse…
The failing effort to add women to infantry, special operations forces…
Federal Judge Asks Why Obama Administration Isn’t Admitting Christian Syrian Refugees…

News and views headline links
Vic, Ace of Spades • Sat 2016 Oct 29, 12:48pm

…On this day in 1971 in Macon, Georgia, guitarist Duane Allman was killed in a motorcycle accident.…

Vic covers the news. With a tarp.
Vic, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Oct 28, 10:46am

Podesta was neck deep in crony corruption at the State Department.…

Vic's supplements to JJ's report start here
Ace of Spades
J.J. Sefton, Ace of Spades • Fri 2016 Oct 28, 10:40am

Not Biased For Democrats Because They ARE Democrats…
Roll This One Around: Secretary of State Joe Biden
Daughter of "Loosie" Garner Rips Into Nurse Nasty After WikiLeak Revelation…

Select news headline links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Thu 2016 Oct 27, 2:04pm

A staggering 153,000 migrants have landed in Italy so far this year, up 10% from the already stratospheric number reached at this point last year. 12,000 new arrivals were rescued off the Italian coast over the past weekend.

In other news, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Madura plans to meet with representatives of the opposition next Sunday. The meeting was brokered by Pope Francis in an attempt to avoid a political catastrophe which might turn Venezuela into a failed state.…

News summaries with links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Thu 2016 Oct 27, 1:54pm

A Kenyan immigrant named Getachew Fekede entered his former workplace in Roanoke, Virginia and started shooting. He killed one person and wounded three others before killing himself. Mr. Fekede had been fired by his former employer in March. The late perpetrator had come to the United States as part of the refugee resettlement program; however, based on his name, he was not a Muslim.

In other news, large fires could be seen in the “Jungle” migrant shantytown near Calais as French police began demolishing the camp.…

News summaries with links
Gates of Vienna Newsfeed
Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna • Thu 2016 Oct 27, 1:51pm

In the German city of Duisburg a migrant burst into a church during a wedding ceremony, yelled “Allahu Akhbar”, tore down the decorations, and fondled a statue of the Virgin Mary. The sexton and a policeman intervened. After the man had calmed down, he was escorted by police to a hospital for psychiatric testing.

In other migration news, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said that Italy could not survive another year of immigration at current levels. Mr. Renzi threatened to veto the EU budget if Eastern European countries do not agree to take their share of the migrants.…

News summaries with links
Bruce Kesler, Maggie's Farm • Thu 2016 Oct 27, 1:41pm

Marines Seek To Outnumber Enemies With Robots…
Thomas Sowell: What The U.S. Can Learn From Sweden's Immigration Experience…
Russia May Not Be Behind Internet Attack: Intel Director…

Some news headline links
Bruce Kesler, Maggie's Farm • Thu 2016 Oct 27, 1:39pm

The Truth About Egypt’s Revolution…
Democratic Party Operative Robert Creamer Used Terror to Wage War on Honesty…

News headline links
