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The Art of

Here's a Mary Worth alteration I indulged in when I should have been doing more important things today.

I've been enjoying the Comics Curmudgeon off and on for years, but more regularly lately. Here's a Mary Worth alteration I indulged in when I should have been doing more important things today.

After the Substitute Curmudgeon posted the Mary Worth cartoon for 2011 March 8 (click this link and scroll down the page a little), Curmudgeon Commenter Terryfic replied, noting (ahem!) some art problems. This led me to my version of the cartoon. (Original credits to the writer, artist, syndicate, their spouses and mothers.) Now, the second panel makes more sense in other ways, like how the girl went from happy to haggard due to her week of Dad's relentless hassling.

Click to embiggen

The Art of

I don't care who won what awards, but this morning I couldn't resist hitting a link to the worst-dressed ladies at the Oscars...!

Worst Dressed Oscar

Mindful the Webworker comments on The HillBuzz Oscar Watch thread::

I come to HillBuzz for the politics, not for Boystown buzz. Yet here I am on the Oscar thread! Hunh!

Likewise I go to the blog of a great guy, writer Mark Evanier, for his many marvelous entertainment industry (especially animation and comics) insider tales and related links, and not so much for his unfortunate misguided liberal beliefs and links to the like.

Mark writes of the Oscars that he's "baffled by those who moan it's 3+ hours of rich, successful people stroking one another. Well, yeah. Those who have this complaint are unclear on the concept." HA!

Save for a very few of their actual products, I have a pretty much total disinterest in all Hollywood matters (other than Mark Evanier stories). Likewise I have only amused and distant interest in what's called fashion. I don't care who won what awards, but this morning I couldn't resist hitting a link to the worst-dressed ladies at the Oscars! Old "flannel-shirt blue-jeans straight guy no queer eye could help" as my tastes might be, even I am appalled by these fabric catastrophes. (One MORE good indication why one should never seriously consider the political opinions of most Hollywoodens.) I am practically FORCED to do that JackJack Benny "Well!" pose and simper, DARLING! WHO let you out of the house in THAT?

The Art of

I sure hope folks like our pal JJ here (and me) can figure out how to make a living in this dead-trees-free world.

Reading comics on a computer monitor

Mindful Webworker posted the following comment to the website of Arlo & Janis cartoonist Jimmy Johnson. The subject was televisions in restaurants.

When it comes to public TVs, I have most enjoyed Mexican-language soap operas in a good Mexican restaurant. Cerveza helps.

For some time now, we have had no antenna, no cable TV, no satellite TV. (I listen to the radio in the car sometimes.) We're the Nielsens' worst nightmare. When we are at someone's home where the TV is on, or in public with TVs blaring (or at least glaring), we realize how removed from the broadcast culture we have become. "You know that commercial...?" No. "Have you seen that show...?" Probably not. They now have a channel just for that?

It's not that we don't like some of the shows and even good commercials (the world's greatest short-attention-span theater until YouTube). We see many of both, new and vintage, but not what MadAve or NBCBS or FOXWB wants us to see RIGHT NOW. No pushcasts. Not even talking news heads.

We get news, comics, TV, movies, even ads, and lots more videos and audios besides, all on-line. We see and hear and read what we want when we want, and watch TV without commercial interruptions. (Although, in truth, we've been doing this since we could first tape-delay and fast-forward, but you'd still see the commercials fly by.)

So, sometimes I just can't look away in restaurants. Ha ha! Funny commercial. (Others are inured to it; I'll look it up on YouTube.) But mostly, I'm astonished at the unbelievably tasteless, violent, frenetic, madness-inducing sensory assault (also the stuff that's not the news or sports k'chng). Worse, the realization that for most folks, this dreck, at home or elsewhere, is their normal mental background radiation.

My keyboard ranneth over, so I excised the following from what I posted to JJ's site.

Peripherally, relatedly, I sure hope folks like our pal JJ here (and me) can figure out how to make a living in this dead-trees-free world. Will newspapers and-or syndicates and-or whatever morph effectively? As strong as my surprise at the assault of broadcast TV is my surprise when I pick up print newspapers, full of 'news' I read at least yesterday, and especially I'm more horrified each time I encounter the squinty, colorless nightmare of forced choices that is the newspaper comics page!

On-line, space constraints of print become merely bandwidth questions, insignificant in this video-bandwidth age.

Those Non-Sequiturs and Funky Winkerbeans that make one turn one's newspaper (or computer monitor) sideways could (could but aren't) run in the right direction. Sundays need never cut the top tier. (Back to work on that extra strip a week, JJ. :)

Intentional color or not, at the artist's preference. (Thinking of the Fox Trot guy griping about coloring Coke cans in the dailies.) [CITATION NEEDED]

On and on.

The guy at Questionable Content says he makes a living off QC now, but I don't know what his living standards are. (If like his characters, minimal Bohemian--heh.)

In a comment responding to the current comics syndicate takeover, I just read that XKCD gets more hits per day than all the syndicated strips combined.

The web is a growing world-wide market which can reduce greatly the costs of getting from artist to audience, and cut the overhead of middlemen (but not eliminate -- few creators are good self-marketers, right, JJ?). Old media looks for secondary marketing, like the comics page. Old media looks for maximizing unit costs and cramming folks into the theater the first weekend, but more people will pay a dollar at the RedBox than will blow twenty on a new DVD. New media can be more direct, and while webvertising (ironically) will surely continue to be some support, I deem that new media can best survive by reducing direct consumer cost to seeming pittance and maximizing that "world wide" sales part. I can't say whether, much less how, this will work, but it seem t'me digital plus web hasn't just changed the game; it has clobbered the gameboard like an asteroid! Adapt or dino.

Radical Incline

We spend 50 years examining every bullet like we'd been appointed to the Warren Commission

Zapruder film frame

On 22 Nov 2010 at 4:23 pm, most uncharacteristically, I posted a comment on a website.[*] The website is the blog of Jimmy Johnson, creator of the comic strip Arlo & Janis. Johnson (and subsequent commenters) commented on his experience of 1963 Nov 22. This came out of my fingers under the handle Long Winding Road. I was honored by a reply from Johnson, a memorable response which I'm hoping he does not mind my reprinting below in its entirety.

Yes, JJ, thanks for remembering.

Dad was big in the GOP; pix of him & mom w/Ike & Mamie, w/Dick & Pat; pic of me & my little sister w/ Goldwater at our house, ‘64! GOP house. GOP town. GOP state when Dad was done. Big early memory, ‘60, Dad raging at the TV while han'some Jack deflated haggard Dick.

I'm 11 in ‘63; like religion, kids have our folks’ politics, but we don't really understand why. In our class, Jay was the token Democrat. Coming in from lunch, Jay’s little brother tells me President Kennedy has been shot. Some kind of sick joke…? The teacher sends us home. It's true. Walter tells us he's dead. Whaa? That was our President! Then his assassin is shot down! Whaa? Then Johnson, Nixon twice, Bobby & Martin killed, cities burn, Viet Nam is lost… and we spend 50 years trying to understand, noting every historical coincidence, reading every conspiracy theory, examining every bullet like we'd been appointed to the Warren Commission. And Jackie, forever and ever crawling out on the trunk for pieces of Jack in ever-clearer Zapruder frames…. And to this day: Whaa?

Favorite related hist drama: Quantum Leap 2-parter. But I didn't change anything, says Sam-as-Oswald. Yes, you did, Sam! insists Al, you don't remember, but … [you saw it, right?]

Favorite so stupid it must be true theory: Oswald had missed hitting Gen. Walker in April, firing from 100 feet away. Oswald blamed the Texas Governor for denying him a visa [something like that, citation needed]. That unlikely fabulous shot with the same rifle, that shot which killed JFK and sparked a thousand conspiracy theories? Oswald was actually aiming for Gov Connally -- he hit Jack by mistake!

Then again, “Back & to the left.” -Bill Hicks

I had to read it a couple of times, but I think I like your post. I think. — JJ

Radical Incline

Been watching the birth-certificate mystery ripple out since it was just a rock first tossed in the pond, and it's always been a hoot and a half. It just won't go away!

Toddler ObamaBeen watching the birth-certificate mystery ripple out since it was just a rock first tossed in the pond, and it's always been a hoot and a half. Now, Mainsteam Medea and the Supremes and the Enigma in Chief hisself have all alluded tuit! It just won't go away!

So this morning, saw the link on Drudge[*] that the Supreme Court was going to have a conference on an Obama qualification suit. Yes, those silly birthers (racist you know), the fringe cult with a wacky conspiracy theory with no legs, at tSCotUS. I thought, Farah, he of WND, the dog who wouldn't let go of this bone,[*] must be doing pirouettes; I should check WND. Clicked the Drudge link first and, Ha ha! It's to a WND article![*] That's why they call it a web.

My non-lawyerly reading of the WND article extracts these nuggets: In January, "the court denied, without comment, a request for a hearing on the arguments." Motion was submitted that Sotomayor and Kagan recuse. Court acknowledged the motion, let it slip to a "request," and failed to respond. A request for rehearing was made, claiming "the situation appeared to be violating the rules" of the court. WND calls it "stunning" that the court said, ok, 'nother "conference." This case, as the WND article says, is "one of the longest-running among those challenging Obama's eligibility." So: just one more paper-shuffle legal kerfluffle in this little mostly-ignored sideshow? At the Supreme level?

Insignificant. Oh, but, before I ran into all that, I had read this exchange:[*]

Washington Insider: There is something bigger than that out there though. Something directly involving the White House that is being protected. I am not certain of what, but have suspicions. It’s got people spooked because they have shut up about it. Very little information getting out, which in this business, means it’s something very serious.

Follow Up: Birther related?

Insider: No comment.

Heh. Fact or fabrication, gotta love that Insider.

In the unprecedented situation of a President being declared unqualified halfway through his term, we have no guidelines for what our attitude should be toward his appointments and actions. Many presume these can be voided, and certainly there would be challenges! However, I don't imagine his personal disqualification would necessarily void all the acts of his admininistration.

There's the mess (like, if Biden's not disqualified by association, if not conspiracy, then Pres-default Biden gets to pick two new SCotUS judges? Oh, look! Here's two recently-disqualified SCotUS judges who've already got the robes!)

And it's potentially a Constitutional crisis level situation -- something we really cannot afford right now on any level -- when you try to decide whether or not you can roll back everything just like that.

Also keeping in mind that in America, the 1/3 leftist fundamentalists and the 1/3 muddled-of-the-roaders are not going to appreciate what's going on, will more-or-less believe Obama was qualified (no matter the law or that rag the Constitution, we voted for him!) and removing him for such a trivial matter as his being unqualified by birth (which, let's face it, compared to his other lack of qualifications is pretty insignificant -- if he were doing a really great job, would we really care?) that it's a coup. Doonesbury will never let us forget it. (Does that still run?) Whew. Sorry.

There is no birth certificate that will be found. There is not a way they can fake one up. Ergo, he ought rightly to be disqualified if the Supremes take it on. So, they probably won't. But that's just my armchair-noodling opinions.

Kudos to the HillBuzz[*] for digging into this, too.
