Occupational therapies

Um. Sorry, I was going to hold off with my previous, somewhat o/t comment until at least after 100, as per stylebook, but fatfingers.

Well, since I'm here.

I'm glad if you're doing better by occupational therapies, Ace. We're all pretty dependent on you as mother hen to at least keep the nest together.

I've been stuck in a major rut that is unproductive and costly for longer than I care to recall. Like spinning your wheels to get out of mud, every effort only seems to dig myself deeper. No AAA to call for a tow.

I have my hobby vanity-publ website for creative outlet, play some piano, and there are routines that comfort. In some facets of real life, though, I confess I still feel like a mime in a box with my hands bound behind me. (And I'm allergic to that damned white makeup.) So, yeah, doing something creative helps a little with endurance, and with holding on tight to that last thread of sanity in the face of a tidal wave of opposition.

Waiting, with patience approximating Job-ian duration, upon the will of the Almighty, meanwhile always wondering if there wasn't something my will was supposed to be doing instead to break the chain, and I just couldn't clue to what the "still small voice within" was yelling at me.