Missed the Cockroach in Chief's Show Last Night

Morning, Glories. Tried to go back to sleep, but, brain started cogitatin' and sleep was doomed.

Missed the Cockroach in Chief's show last night. Did he
a) Ask Congress for a formal declaration of war against the non-Islamic Islamic State?
b) Say the word "I" more than ten times a minute?
c) Promise to give more arms to our enemies?

Morning, Vic. Thanks for the news. Howdy, JJ, Mr Dave, VIA, Fenelon, Carol, Anna, sven, buzzion, insomniac, Grampa Jimbo, phoenixgirl ... everybody.

Instead of the cell this morning, I'm on my cousin's notebook (for which I'm supposed to be doing updating/maintenance). A real(ish) computer at home for the first time in years. A little faster reading on a bigger screen, once I mastered Win8. Okay, there seems to be no mastering Win8, just enduring and working around it.

Whatever the Jihadis may pull today, they're still a bunch of punks!
