May Still Be Mostly-Lurking for Weeks to Come

FenelonSpoke #180: Thanks, MindfullWebworker. I thought that was very clever. (I liked "Christmas rap a lot). You are such a regal looking older man (Is it o.k. to say that?) that I think you should probably be performing in "King Lear" and not in a Santa hat. ;^)

Mary Christmas and Happy New Year to You and Yours, have missed seeing you here. Are you o.k.?

Glad you liked the Wrap. That was... fun to do.

Regal looking... is... not something I've ever heard before. Nor anything I would have expected. That wasn't one of your infamous typos, perhaps? haha I do mean to regale!

Have not been entirely okay, thanks for asking.. Been busy, with the videos, but mostly other matters. Christmas season got even busier. Then, Christmas morning, I woke up with a cold, a gift from my daughter (cold, flu, whatever it is), from which I'm still recovering. Finally, this morning, I woke up feeling pretty good, popped out of bed, and first thing I hear Milady say is, "I think now I'm sick." Oh noooes! I may still be mostly-lurking for weeks to come, for many reasons.


Gimli dog knows how to nuzzle (with his muzzle) the door open from the outside if it's a bit ajar. A little while ago, his pal Spark the Gray Cat was standing inside, looking out. Before I could get to the door, Dog came over, opened the door for the cat, and walked away. He does this a lot, getting the door open for the cats. (Or getting us to open it for them.)

Closing the door, we're still working on that.