I Don't Always Know How Things Are Pronounced

One of the things about reading a lot but ignoring Mass Media is that I don't always know how things are pronounced. I think it was Dave Barry who first clued me that Vee-aug'-ruh is pronounced to rhyme with Niagra - on purpose. I did learn eventually that "khan-yay" and Kanye were the same person.

So, help a cultural recluse out here. How do you pronounce "Suge"? Is it "sooge" (rhymes with rouge, and I can't believe rouge gets mentioned two threads in a row) or "suggy" (like snuggie) or "sudge" (rhymes with sludge) or...? Don't want to embarrass myself in front of my young cousins again, like when I mispronounced "vair'-uh-zahn".