Home Alone for Dad’s Day Weekend

Thanks for fine Friday collection, Pete.

By the way, oh Garden friends…


First of all, :( I’m home alone for Dad’s Day Weekend. Mrs & local kids are in the Big Potato for the weekend for a family reunion. I get to be home with the dog and cats.

So after many days of “dry spell,” I finally make a little 40-second video just for fun, a little idea I got this morning.

Obama Blames Fall of Iraq on Video

That links to YouTube. Here’s the video on my website.

(Not embedding, feel free to change to embed or use it elsewhere, as ever, but read on first…)

Usually, I get a few nibbles after I post a video, after I tell folks here or on Ace. Every once in a very long while I get a like or dislike. So, except for that one time I had a video embedded at Moonbattery, my “customers” on YouTube are apparently jus’ friends, mos’ly, so t’speak.

I’ve always been concerned about what might go viral. Never been a threat yet, though, as my YT channel is as untraveled as my website.

This video, before I even finished the details on the upload, this thing had 20 hits, I received a “Google+ Notification” (I didn’t even know I could get those) from someone scolding me about how smart Obama is on Iraq, and one each Like and Dislike.

What have I done? Enough needling jabs, I eventually, finally hit a vein? Because of the Dislike, I quickly appended “(Parody!)” to the title, for honesty’s sake. Maybe that will stave off some firestorm…
@@ Virtual prayers may be needed.

Oh, look, a doggie video. Oboy.