Fortuitous Timing, Positive Signs

As we left Ranchero Webworker this afternoon, we wondered whether to go vote first or go drop stuff at the office.

We decided to go to the office first, vote later. That proved a fortuitous choice: While cutting through Fatcat Estates on our way in, we saw a pretty doggie racing around in the street, trying to get killed.

We stopped, hooked up our leash on her (much to the consternation of our own GoodBoy), checked her tags, and called the vet. While we are on the phone, a car pulls up. It's her master who was looking for her. Really nice dog, but as he said, not all that smart.

Later, when we went in to vote, we ran into an old friend at the polling place and got the chance to chat and get caught up with her.

So, again, our choice to vote later was fortuitous timing.

We said we'd take it as positive signs. Like the Cubs winning.