Family Reunion Weekend, Day 3 of 4

Well... Hello.

Family reunion weekend, day 3 of 4. Hardly had time to read Ace posts, nor the news. Anything notable happen? (Sorry, dark joking--some news is unavoidable.) Missed my two favorite regular threads, pets and books.

Driving home from the lake this afternoon, just as we got on the Interstate, we were caught in a cloudburst worthy of the name. All traffic which hadn't pulled over was slowed to a crawl, and we all had our flashers on. I was tempted to pull over, and if had just become a hair harder downpour, I would've.

After a few minutes, we drove out of it, though. It was like that scene in Back to the Future where they're controlling the weather - you know, in the far, fantastic future of 2016 - and the rain just stops suddenly altogether.

Been a long time since I've been driving in that bad a storm. Glad it was *only* rain, not windstorm or twisters.