Cancel my subscriptions

Great idea! Let me cancel... wait, the cable is just for Internet. Okay, I'll take down my antenna... no, I don't have one. Cut the satellite dish? Did that many years ago. Cancel the newspaper? Never subscribed. Newsmagazines? Nope. Doggone it! Every time someone comes up with a good boycott, I'd have to start getting the thing in order to drop it! :(


Kevin DuJan replied:

Boycotts never work. This isn’t a boycott.

It’s a life change in terms of where you put your money…if you are giving your money to the Left via these (literal in this case) channels.

Good for you for not having any of those things. Encourage others you know to cut their cables too.

It is an adjustment…but after a while it just feels so good to not have these things in your life and to not be sending money each month to Minitrue.