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The Art of

All the months that start with "O"


National Pizza Month
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
National Work and Family Month

Another holdover from the old calendar, "October" meant the eighth month, until it became the tenth month but kept the name. Which proves that calendars are crazy.

Mark your calendars now:
Oct 7 is 
Peat Cutting Monday in the Falkland Islands.

Wikipedia: October

There's some kind of mass hysteria
at the end of the month
cat in knitted witch's hat
that makes people cause horrible embarrassment
baby in popcorn box costume
to pets and babies

The Zodiac signs for the month of October are
(until Oct 22)
Zodiac: Syllabrity
…and Phlimphlam (Oct 23 onwards)
Zodiac: Phlimphlam Oct 23-Nov 22


Carolyn Jones was born in Amarillo, Texas, the daughter of Chloe Jeanette Southern, a housewife, and Julius Alfred Jones, a barber. After her father abandoned the family in 1934, Carolyn and her younger sister, Bette Rhea Jones, moved with their mother into her parents' Amarillo home. Jones suffered from severe asthma that often restricted her childhood activities, and when her condition prevented her from going to the movies, she became an avid reader of Hollywood fan magazines and aspired to become an actress. She enrolled at the Pasadena Playhouse in California at seventeen, with her grandfather, Charles W. Baker, paying her tuition. [More at Wikipedia]

Best known role
(the October (Halloween) connection):

Image sources:
pizza family:
crazy calendar:
Falklands peat cutting:
witch cat:
popcorn baby:
Carolyn Jones hip:
This post originally published at Mindful Webworks' Other People's Stuff blog

The Art of

When the leaves turn (in the North, anyway)

Well, I wasn't ready for September, anyway.

September Honors

National Yoga Month
Better Breakfast Month [PDF]
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Meteor showers that occur in September include the Aurigids, the Delta Aurigids which occur from mid-September to early October, the Southern Taurids, which occur from September 10 to November 20, and the Andromedids which occur from September 25 – December 25.

Andromedids as seen on the night of November 27, 1872 by Amédée Guillemin (Le Ciel, notions d’astronomie, à l’usage des gens du monde et de la jeunesse, 1864 and 1877)
American Meteor Society

If "September (from Latin septem, "seven") was originally the seventh of ten months in the oldest known Roman calendar," does that mean it's now really November?

September Harvest Moon

September is called Herbstmonat, harvest month, in Switzerland.

Wikipedia: September

Sept equinox earth lighting
The Equinox occurs at Sep 23. Folks in Northern hemisphere become increasingly glum, folks in the Southern hemisphere look forward to longer days. Folks on the equator wonder what all the fuss is about.

Sep 11 light memorial

Casualties of the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

The Zodiac signs for the month of September are
Breakyerbak (until Sep 21)
Zodiac: Breakyerback Aug23-Sep21
…and Syllabrity (Sep 22 onwards)

Sophia Loren was born as Sofia Scicolone at the Clinica Regina Margherita in Rome, Italy, on September 20, 1934. iMDB

Sophia Loren

Image sources:
Obese kid:
Elvis Pancakes (Peanut Butter-Banana Pancakes with Bacon)

September Harvest Moon
World Trade Center memorial:
Sophia Loren:

This post also published at Mindful's Other People's Stuff blog

The Art of

Dog Days

(and possibly tornadoes, where I live),
(unless you're one of those south-of-the-equator people)

National Water Quality Month
National Sandwich Month
National What Will Be Your Legacy Month

What Will Your Legacy Be Month is a month for people to reflect on their past and present actions and vow to make positive changes that will affect generations. We have to remember the seeds, whether positive or negative, that we plant in our children's lives. This observance is about making the right choices so our children and their children will make the right choices. Everything we do will grow and reflect our teachings. So teach your children well.
Happy kids eating sandwiches

If last month was National Hot Dog Month, and this month is National Sandwich Month, does this prove the old argument that a hot dog is not a sandwich?

For National Water Quality Month, I was going to put up a picture of a polluted stream or brown water coming out of a tap, but all the pictures were all so ugly and horrible I just didn't want to sully this post with them. So here's this:

Honeyeater Bird drinking from tap
Amazing high speed photographs of honeyeater birds catching water droplets in midair as they fall out of a tap — Daily Mail

This month "was originally named Sextilis in Latin because it was the sixth month in the original ten-month Roman calendar…. About 700 BC, it became the eighth month when January and February were added to the year before March by King Numa Pompilius, who also gave it 29 days. Julius Caesar added two days when he created the Julian calendar in 46 BC (708 AUC), giving it its modern length of 31 days. In 8 BC, it was renamed in honor of Augustus. According to a Senatus consultum quoted by Macrobius, he chose this month because it was the time of several of his great triumphs, including the conquest of Egypt.[2] Wikipedia

Okay, I was looking for pix of kids and dogs swimming, and there are many great ones, but I found this good "water quality month" pic.

The Zodiac signs for the month of August are
(until Aug 22)
Domicile Jul 21-Aug 22
…and Breakyerbak (Aug 23 onwards)
Zodiac: Breakyerback Aug23-Sep21

Important to note: August 2 is International Beer Day

Beer gal

Image sources:
Soggy Sandwich: A Soup Sandwich is Just That | THE MOLLER LAW GROUP, LLC
Kids with sandwiches: Effects of Fast-foods and Snacking on Children
Beer gal:
Kid and dog, drinking: The Best Dog Breeds For Kids | Healthy Paws Pet Insurance
Domicile: Sand castle:, Old man at beach:
Backbreaking harvest: Grain Harvest and Threshing Time | Living History Farms

This post also published at Mindful Webworks: Other Peoples' Stuff blog


July is

National Ice Cream Month
National Hot Dog Month
National Baked Beans Month

It's a picnic!

Where it all comes together:

National Chili Dog Day July 25th (USA)

Or, if you prefer the great indoors:
July 3rd to August 15th, inexplicably, are officially known as the
Air Conditioning Appreciation Days

Why "July"?

This guy:

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar, it being the month of his birth.

Here's a thing.

US Declaration of Independence

July 2nd is World UFO Day.
Go out and not identify a flying object!

UFO Alien Abduction

The Zodiac signs for the month of July are
Patientlee (until Jul 20)
Zodiac: Knowsittal Apr 21-May 20
…and Domicile (Jul 21 onwards)
Domicile Jul 21-Aug 20

Went searching for a Julia to close out this post. Lots of Julia celebrities (some I even recognized). This one caught my eye, though:

Julia Adasheva
and her Ferrari

Julia Adasheva with Ferrari

Adasheva (that's a sexy name if ever we heard one) is the definition of a gorgeous Russian model. Born in Moscow in 1991, she now travels the world as part of her modeling career which started at the age of 16. The beauty is 23 years old, born on April 25, 1991, wears size 7.5 (38 shoes) and is dress size 6 (36).

Her dream car is a red convertible from Maranello. No, not a California like Paris Hilton has, but a 458 Spider, the epitome of Italia style and performance. Julia is seriously into cars and frequents tuning shows. Her personal Youtube is filled with videos of her testing out various exotics around Moscow.…


July is… resources:
Hot Dog: Wikipedia
Ice Cream Cone:
Baked Beans:

Domicile resources:
Sand castle:
Old man at beach:

This post also published at my Other People's Stuff blog


Short & Tall Tales

When all else fails, suffer.

Hopes lie dead and buried.
Trains of thought derailed.

Everything is ruined.
All good plans have failed.

Nothing turned out right.
Bill collectors pound the door.

My coffee cup is empty.
I guess I'll have some more.

Coffee alone among the ruins
