Woman in White House

"CHELSEA DECLARES: Time for woman in White House..." [Drudge headline]

So, she never heard about Monica?


Sure, I think Sarah Palin would be okay.


Why, do the men need sandwiches?

http://InstantRimshot.com/ (also ducking & running)

Good evening, such morons as are around. I survived the family reunion with a minimum of damage. A few days, I should be good as new.

Director of the US FBI Knows Nothing - my edit of the Jordan-Mueller video, linked in nic. (There are donation buttons on the page, fresh, clean, never been used.)

Now, having spread mirth, personal news, and a fat self-plugola, I'm going back upstairs to read below the fold, and then maybe revisit the comments.

But probably lurkishly; family can take a lot out of you. (Energy. Self-respect. Cash....)
