What Students in the World Get for Lunch
What students in the world get for lunch.
Bluebird of Bitterness lifts this collection of images from the Daily Mail, but you'd rather see the pix on BoB's site than DM, right?
Weep for the current generation - no power to the brains.
A new group can join the school kids using #thanksMichelleObama as a bitter hashtag. The kids were merely Tweeting pictures of unappetizing and skimpy school lunches conforming to her anti-obesity program. The newcomers to the hashtag will be unemployed school cafeteria workers, laid off because kids refuse to buy the tasteless fare.
Thomas Lifson, American Thinker
c/o Blazing Cat Fur
Am Thinker cites Paul Bedard, Wash. Examiner
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