To those who consider the country untenable

Morning, Glories.

May I recommend IronGrampa's comment from the ONT.

ugh... the internal-link thing doesn't work with :1080 URLs... search there for comment #281.

Oh, whatthhek.... here it is:


Those of you who consider the country untenable needed to have walked with me today.

You'd have seen that the bedrock is still solid. People, old and young willing to honor the fallen in a heartfelt celebration.

Still knowing this is the most exceptional place on the planet. It never disappeared, what made us great can never be eradicated, only hidden by progressive filth.

This land will regain it's glory, never doubt.

Because there are enough of us, including those not yet born to see to that.

All we need do is never give up.

Posted by: irongrampa at May 26, 2014 11:49 PM (SAMxH)