There were half a dozen deer out by the gravyard

There were half a dozen deer out by the gravyard. Then the dog saw them. Now they're all gone.

Dog was not full grown when he wandered up on us and would not be chased off. Gradually, we were able to civilize him, and he trained us. After years of always being tied out, running off, disobeying, he's now always tether-free at home. Earned trust which I don't give readily. Knows his territory and ferociously defends it. Great, loyal friend and really a family member.

Whenever I have to leave the Mrs at home, I couldn't feel more secure than knowing faithful Gimli is with her.

Recently I began to realize, what we have is a working pet culture. Someday, Gimli will be gone, alas. If we get a new pup, Gimli can maybe help transmit want what he has learned. I'd never thought about that before.
