The Rulz

"Ace can use any violent expressions he wants on his site and take responsibility for that. The rules are different for a site owner and a site commenter."

(The only thing I read when glancing down the comments to say howdy. Howdy, by the way.)

Sigh! That's Article #37, I think, on the Life In Blogs Website,* where folks should be pointed so blogs don't endlessly repeat these things. (*I made it up.)

Funny thing is, I can probably say that I remember bulletin board owners explaining The Rulz before some of you were born! That's just too weird.

And with that, creak, groan, obviously, it's time for me to say goodnight already... even though I just got here. So, what's the point of even showing up, huh? Just trying to act like I matter, when I know perfectly well I don't. Well, forget it! Forget the whole thing! I'm sorry I showed up at all, okay?


See yez in the morning. God bless us every one.