The Fate of Joan Rivers
Here's one I'm going to post just so I can close a tab. Pay no attention.
Joan Rivers. When she "outed" First "Lady" Michael the Tranny Obama, my very first thought was, "she's dead."
I don't usually watch Mark "Illuminati Conspiracy" Dice, but I watched his take on River's death. Dice basically said, she was old, death in surgery happens.
Well, I've read that some doctor started doing some exploratory surgery that wasn't scheduled; that is not that unusual, I suppose, but it made the procedure more complicated than expected. Then comes news that her death was because of a "procedural error" during the surgery. Oopsie! Just a tiny error. Her oxygen was cut off.
Some professions, doctors especially, we'd like to think of them as professional, dedicated, upright people. But, money combined with threats can be mighty influential. What price "procedural error?"
By the way, it's my understanding that Mylar is much better for hats than tinfoil. Don't accept cheap imitations.