Smashed Virgin Statue Story Exposed

Fools Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and Multiple Other US News Outlets including the webworker news outlet; I failed to go back from Gateway Pundit even to the Raymond Ibrahim level before making my comment on the earlier thread. Thank you and congratulations for doing the deeper digging.

Your exposé seemed to affirm a feeling that something about the story was off, an "ah-ha! that I'd seen the picture before. Whether I had genuinely had that feeling before reading your exposé, or that was an ex-post-facto induced thought, I cannot now say, although chances are pretty good I saw the smashed statue picture previously, if it got any play. Ah, bio-memory, you trickster!

Hope your research floats back up the chain now. I don't know about Megyn Kelly, but the good blogs are always happy to front-page a correction; unlike certain print outlets that reserve them for fine print on page B-42.