RIP, Jack Wise

RIP, Jack Wise, Army, retd.

Dr Jack Wise, Nam vet, one of 27 certified naturopathic endrichinologists, fwiw. Dead of a broken heart at 74. A week ago today, just got the news yesterday.

Dr Wise survived Nam, diaetes, and Lyme disease. He was not in great shape in recent years, but getting better. Then, so we hear, about a month ago, his beloved son, drunk, murdered his beloved daughter's husband in front of two granddaughters. Three sudden heart attacks later, Jack is dead. And his wife Linda also had a heart attack, and surgery.

If I weren't using the cell, I'd like to say much more about that wooly-headed old patriot. He claimed to cure cancer, diabetes, Lyme, and gluten intolerance, for the last of which he treated Milady. Crackpot or genius, maybe both, he was a wonderful man of great affection who sincerely enjoyed making people healthier, who certainly deserved better, and whose death will leave a great hole in many lives.

Please spare a prayer for the survivors of this devastated family, and also all of irreplacable Jack's desperate patients.
