Reverse Alinsky Ramble noted

Ehhh... obviously having too much free time today, I re-posted my ramble at my site, considerably adorned with links, graphics, and videos. (Warning: many impedded vids.) Linked to chrissy's message above which inspired me (but she should not be held accountable!!), and incorporating the graphic up top and an earlier CtH graphic. Well, I had fun, anyway.

• chrissythehyphenated October 20, 2012 at 11:52 pm

ROFLLLLLLLLLLLL the Star Trek clip is hysterical!! And that is one of my all time fave Palin moments. ::snort:: I gotta go send your link out. WONDERFUL job Mindful. … better tone down my hooting. Dearest is sleeping. Oops.

• Bob October 21, 2012 at 8:54 am

That’s hilarious, Mindful! Thanks for the laughs!

• chrissythehyphenated October 21, 2012 at 3:18 pm

I sent it out to my list and Dearest told me this morning he was passing it on to about a hundred of his own contacts, many of whom are forwarders themselves. May your hit count shoot through the roof!
