Quality-of-Experience Trolls?

Bandersnatch: ...someone just pisses you off by his very presence. You just wish he'd go away because he lessens your blog experience. ...

A category of conflict hitherto unelucidated. Quality-of-experience trolls?

But, I knew it. I knew that's what people here think of me. Just like in real life, where they call me the death of the party if they even notice I'm there. I'm sorry. I'll go away. *pouty sniffle*

*has another sip of coffee and ponders paranoid rant*

Just kidding. No matter what, I know I'm not the worst. Just like when I was a little kid and poor at bat, I still wasn't going to be chosen last for the baseball teams as long as that fat kid and the awkward one were there.

So as long as _____ and ______ haven't been banned, or bandersnatched, I'll safely hang around...