Parting From the Party Now

Parting from the party now.

Say, I rarely mention it, but if you click on my nic, you'll find yourself at my "blog heap o'links" - an eclectic collection, to be sure. A personal bookmark page.

While I don't link to all the news, I link to links to the news, like...

Maggie's Farm's morning links, BlazingCatFur's Continental Breakfast links, Other McCain's mailbox, Gates of Vienna, War News Update's world news, Political Hat's weekly round-up, and of course Vic and MisHum's morning posts.

If you're late to the morning posts and looking for Vic stuck in the overnight thread, it might be handy.

And with that obsurd and abscene self-tuting, I bed you adoo.

As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
