Obama's party affiliations, "One of those"

Everybody's seen Mark Dice asking people about Obama's party affiliations, right? "One of those."

There are two worlds. The great ocean of evil and ignorance where the mass of poor ol' humanity breeds and seeths and eebeetees.

And the tiny island of the hardworking, informed, and righteous denizens of AoSHQland (NSA code name: Peruvia), including a few non-natives like me lucky enough to have washed up on the beach and not have been mistaken for a hobo.

Okay, maybe it's not so much an island. It's like that swirling mass of plastic out in the Pacific, that you can't really see but it's there inches below the surface. Something like Waterworld but muddier. Mudworld. And the barrel leaks.

Yes, it's obvious, I need coffee, and the coffee pot is several hours that direction. I'd better get going.