Nothing Whatsoever

Not that we need any reason for more steam coming out the ears, but...

Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading

"2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud…"

"I'm guessing probably 30-40…"

The police are quick to assure us it's not terrorism. I dig that, sort-of. I presume they mean that it's not like the guy was directly ordered by Imam Ali BooBoo Goatsbreath to do this, or is part of a wave of disgruntled employee beheaders; it's "only" another case of "lone wolf" radical madness.

His down-with-America Up-with-ISIS online profile, his attempts to convert his co-workers, his firing because of his arguments about stoning women, his attendance at an Islamic mosque, his "Assalamu Alaikum" belly tattoo, and certainly his very choice of method of execution, "“smite an infidel and put a knife to his neck," these have nothing to do with Islam.