Napalm-grade stupid

Gaaaaaahhhh. Napalm-grade stupid. Did not read comments; may repeat observations.

Once in a lifetime, eh? On average? In that case, at some point, everyone is likely to need a gun, on average. Thanks for pointing that out.

Mindful's Mrs notes, if you don't have a gun for that once-in-a-lifetime event, you're likely to have a much shorter lifetime.

Ever see a story where a cop has fired at someone for the first time, after years on the force? Yeah, and they go toward danger. Ever had, say, tenant's insurance that you never had to collect on? Yeah. Ever... yeah, you know.

I only know what a Touré is because amusing highlights from the dead-to-me media leak into my echo chamber of not-left blogs, websites, and netvids. Some idiot tweeted something stupid. Imagine that! Also, there's a video of a guy failing a dangerous stunt. What a shock.

May Abe Vigoda outlive the laughingstock media, and all their academic and "entertainment" cohorts.
